Thursday, December 4, 2014

New TV: TELEAVIA 1958 !!!

We have finally found the TV of our dreams!

Here it is!!!!

It's a french TV,

 TELEAVIA from 1957-1958.

Really Space Age with its spoutnick look!

Here is the original ad for that TV from the future!

For us, it was one of the most desirable one!

And the icing on the cake... it works!!!!

In fact it was restored with a new modern screen,

vintage TVs don't work anymore in France because they change transmission system a few years ago.

So it was really what we searched for!

We can watch old movies in DVD...

Yes, not all original but we wanted to be able to use it!

Even if all our interior is vintage...

We don't want to live in a museum...

We want to use all those things in our everyday life!

A lot of followers asked us too share more about our house...

yes, we are like everybody...

sharing snacks and drinks before dinner...

lazying in pajamas...

vintage of course...

(Sylvain found this vintage ATOMIC robe in a vintage shop in Berlin last summer)

watching a good movie on TV...

This one is "Les portes de la nuit" (The night gates),

From 1946 with Yves Montand...

the soundtrack was "Les feuilles mortes" (Autumn Leaves) ... 

that's a french song which spread after around the world in english!

If you have a chance to watch this movie take it! 
So sad but so beautiful!!!

Yeah, it is finally up!!!!

One of my favorite moment of the year is finally here.

Time to enjoy more inside activities...

and share good moments together!

Had you ever seen a TELEAVIA from 1958?
Do you have a vintage interior?

Ca y est, on l'a enfin trouvée!!!! La télé de nos rêves... Une TELEAVIA 1958! On possèdait déjà quelques modèles de TV 50's, mais depuis le passage à la TNT, plus rien ne fonctionne... alors lorsque nous avons eu l'opportunité d'acquérir ce modèle regarni par un écran neuf, il fallait saisir l'occasion! Vous me direz pas très période perfect tout cela... oui, mais après tout même si notre intérieur regorge d'ancien, on ne veut pas vivre dans un musée, on veut pouvoir utiliser les objets dans notre vie de tous les jours! Ainsi, on peut profiter de vieux films en DVD... ici, "Les portes de la Nuit" un film magnifique de 1946 dont la BO est restée plus célèbre que le film... "les feuilles mortes", un bon film, triste, mais tellement beau, à ne pas manquer! Bref, voilà une petite soirée classique... trainer en pyjamas, partageant l'apéro devant un bon film... Et voilà, nous sommes prêts à acceuillir Noël, l'arbre est décoré!
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Sunday, November 30, 2014

MY initials SWEATER!!!!

I found this summer a special to me varsity sweater!!!

But why so special???

Because it have my initials: Laurence B...!!!

So I had to buy it, of course!

Varsity sweaters are always fun but are often in small sizes...

but this one was my destiny... perfect size, pristine condition!

But mustard yellow and brown are really not colors that I'm used to wear...

First opportunity to go out with those NOS 40's french shoes still with tag!!!!

Matching 40's leather purse...

I wanted to re-create the style of a student in the 40's...

even if I left University long time ago!

I have a lot of pairs of vintage shoes but don't wear them a lot...

sometimes too fragile, some other times not so comfy

but they look better than repros for sure! 

After a really warm fall, winter cold arrived this week-end.

Yes, my winter coats have not gone out yet...

Sylvain's jacket is a find from our last trip in Seattle!

Plaid wool, a classic for this season.

A Pendleton's flair but with a Ricky jacket cut!

It's becoming harder and harder to take outside pictures...

at 4PM, the dark is already coming.

The light is quite white and don't give true colors on pictures....

Sylvain's jacket is really a deep forest green... here it's kind of blueish.

But even if it's colder and darker,

now that Xmas is just around the corner...

I really feel better!

We are planning a lot of fun things to do in December!

Do you have some Varsity sweaters?
Have you already planned something special for December?

Lorsque je suis tombée sur ce pull universitaire cet été, je me suis tout de suite dit qu'il m'était destiné! Vous allez me dire... mais pourquoi? Tout simplement car l'écusson donne mes initiales! Ce genre de pulls sont toujours sympas, mais souvent durs à trouver dans une taille raisonnable et en bon état... Première opportunité de sortir de belles chaussures 40's neuves d'époque et créer un style étudiante 40's (même si mes années universitaires sont bien loin derrières...). Le froid arrive enfin après un automne plutôt clément... l'occasion de re-sortir nos petites laines! Maintenant que Noël approche à grand pas, ce temps me pèse moins... pleins de projets motivants pour Décembre et le moral revient!
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