Thursday, January 22, 2015

50's vs MIDDLE AGE !!!

One more round of WINTER vintage clothes...

I have already mentionned how difficult finding a good shooting place is.

Most of the time we want to find places with no modern car...

no modern building,

 not crowdy...

and believe me, it's becoming harder and harder...

a lot of buildings have been modernized and cars are everywhere!

So for this shoot, we chose a medieval place...

it's called the Germans' gate in the city of Metz.

It's a bridge castle from the 13th century...

most of the fortifications of this city were demolished,

 but the part was saved in the XIXth century

 and was restored a few years ago.

You must think but why such a nice place is SO empty?

Just because it was SO cold and windy!!!

Nice COSY 40's coat to be kept warm...

I also wore this vintage brooch,

it's in fact a medal from the french school of ski!

But definitively not my ski level, I'm so bad skying...

I like to still wear some flowers on my hair for winter....

they make me think that spring will come after those crazy cold days!

But for now no fancy heels, warm boots that's all!

It's in such period that I wish to live in a warmer place...

but vacations under the californian sun are not so far...

I don't know why men don't wear ties anymore...

It's perhaps not so comfy during summer,

but for winter, it's so elegant 

and give a fun color touch to every outfit!

A lot of my readers mentionned to me how lucky I am

 that my man shares the same love for vintage!

Of course I am!!!

This 50's wool dress is pretty new to me.

It has a touch of orange in it.

A perfect match with that 50's rust umbrella.

It's pretty simple, but look at that holder...

A gold treble clef!!!

Perfect for "Singing in the rain..."

Jezzy my cute Jack Russel from Erstwilder is like a ghost on this picture...

 it's matching my large lucite bangles!

How do you choose your shooting places?
Do you share you love of vintage with your man ?

Pas facile de trouver des décors intemporels pour nos petites séances photos... on ne se rend pas compte à quel point nos villes et campagnes ont été "polluées" depuis les 50's, les voitures sont partout, les bâtiments ont souvent été modernisés avec plus ou moins de goût... Bref, voici ce que nous avons trouvé comme décor pour cette fois: la Porte des Allemands à Metz. Datant du XIIIe siècle, elle est l'une des dernière de ses fortifications encore en place, sauvée au XIXe, elle a été récemment restaurée. Le froid glacial avait totalement vidé l'endroit!
Encore des couches de vêtements en laine... on a vraiment envie que le printemps arrive... heureusement nos vacances sous le soleil de la Californie ne sont plus très loin!
- Bises glacées - 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

HEAVEN on Earth...

One of our favorite activity is certainly going to flea markets!

Even if it's not the perfect season for this kind of events,

we went to an inside one last week-end!

Most of the time I don't like to bring my camera with me...

and most of the time I regret it because there are so much nice stuff!

And of course we cannot buy anything...

some are pricey, some others too big, some interesting but not from our favorite era.

It's just a pleasure to look at everything, it's like going back in time!

Look at this beading details from a 60's purse...

Some items bring you a lot of questions...

like this egyptian painting, it measured several meters long... where did it come from???

I love to look at vintage toys, they are so CUTE!

The 2 following pictures were from a huge suitcase...

It crossed the Atlantic ocean with the famous FRENCH LINE perhaps on the NORMANDY!

Look at the TV table, so ATOMIC!

I regretted that only these 2 glasses survived...
must have been 6.

Probably SO shocking in the 50's!

Here are some nice 50's armchairs and sofa.

You can find also easily some vintage magazines...

However, I'm trying to buy only a few of them, they are taking so much space!

There were still a few vintage Xmas decorations.

I'm often surprised to see so much New Old Stock stuff!

Most of the time I'm hunting for vintage fashion accessories,

but you never know what you will find!

I almost bought this 40's costume from Alsace
(like the one bellow)...

Flowers were hand painting, rhinestones on the headtopper and on the bodice!!!
A real piece of art, but SO small...

It's nice to go there not alone because you cannot see anything...

so 4 eyes are better than 2!

Domergue's style paintings were really popular in the 50's.

So nice, 50's bamboo set!

I'm regretting that there is almost no vintage clothes on European fle markets,

but it's pretty rare for us to come empty handed after a few hours it's such heaven!!!

Do you often go to flea markets?
Do you bring your camera there?

Même si ce n'est pas vraiment la saison des marchés aux puces, nous en avons eu un petit à nous mettre sous la dent la semaine dernière. Il est très rare que j'emporte mon appareil photo dans ce genre de manifestations, mais je le regrette souvent car comme on ne peut pas tout acheter, mais il est sympa de tout de même garder un souvenirs de certains objets magnifiques et insolites! On ne sait jamais ce que l'on va trouver, une vraie chasse au trésor! Nous nous regrettons à chaque fois que les marchés européens proposent si peu de vêtements d'époque, quel dommage... mais bon cela ne nous empêche pas de revenir à chaque fois les bras chargés de merveilles!