Monday, May 19, 2014


I write this sad cold and rainy post from last week  when it's now 25°C (almost 90°F) outside... quite strange...

Weather is really crazy lately....
I could even not picture Sylvain's outfit because of non stopping rain!

So almost a winter outfit...

but to give me a good mood under the rain,
pink flowers were perfect!

I bought this cashmere DARLENE sweater at Viva.

It was new old stock still in its box with tags...

why did anybody buy it in the late 50's??? 
It's SO gorgeous and soft!!!

I bought the 40's gabardine skirt in Red Light in Seattle...

As I mentionned in some previous posts I'm trying to buy more vintage separates 

and more vintage basics easy to match,

you cannot wear a crazy novelties dress with a flowers sweater and leopard shoes!

Vintage basics are strangely hard to find... 

Too much worn, hard to be recognized for sellers???
Perhaps only L sizes are hard to find?

It's always fun to try to match new purchases together!

I'm also trying to expend my vintage scarves collection...

I want to have all colors to be able to match with every outfits!

Do you often wear vintage scarves ?
Do you easily find vintage basics ?

Une petite série de photos dans le froid et sous la pluie la semaine passée... un peu bizarre car il fait maintenant plus de 25° ici!
Pour garder le moral avec ce temps désastreux, j'avais choisi cette tenue aux couleurs flashy avec plusieurs achats issus de notre voyage aux USA.
J'essaye d'orienter ma garde-robe (déjà bien remplie) avec plus de "separates", je ne crois pas qu'il existe un mot en français pour cela, et des basiques... donc plus de pulls, jupes, chemisiers... et tout cela pour arriver à marier plus facilement certaines pièces qui dorment dans mes placards!
J'ai aussi une nouvelle addiction, les foulards vintage. Certains sont de véritables oeuvres d'art!!! J'aimerais avoir toutes les couleurs de l'arc-en-ciel... oui je sais, je suis un peu folle...
Et vous, portez-vous souvent des foulards?
- A la prochaine -


  1. I think separates are hard to come by in any size, because people didn't consider them worth keeping when they fell out of fashion. Smart dresses and coats were, however, kept and stored as they were usually investment pieces, many with a sentimental value. I hit the basics jackpot this year, when an ebay seller dug out a whole lot of basic, unworn, still packaged 1950s t-shirts, blouses and jumpers, all in plain colours..all in MY size. I pounced on it like some obsessed addict and they have all made my wardrobe MUCH more flexible. I am always toying with the idea of starting a vintage basics repro business, using real vintage fabric in solid colours...

    1. Sascha,
      If you decide to start your business, contact me immediately.
      XOXO LisaO

  2. I need more basics, too, and started to buy and sew in that direction when I found out I was pregnant. I've done a lot of vintage maternity sewing, but am just about to the end of that. So, I've been planning my non-maternity wardrobe for this fall and it will hopefully shape up more then. I think my problem is that it's just so hard to resist a cute print on a dress, and separates do seem to be harder to find.

  3. Hello, Love Love your outfit. The purple is such a rich color and it really makes the sweater stand out. Separates are tuff but not impossible. Blouses have always been the biggest challenge for me and when I shop that's usually the first thing I look for. Your vintage scarf is beautiful, I wish I could master tying mine into a turban. I mostly wear them with sweaters, just to add another layer of warm if I don't want to wear a jacket.
    So funny you are also having Bipolar weather. Last week in Long Beach, CA temperatures soared to it is a comfortable 71 degrees. You need to have two sets of wardrobes, one for very hot and the other for slightly cool.
    Laurence, I thought it was a good idea to post your blog also in French. Now you will have even more comments and followers.
    XOXO LisaO

  4. You find the most amazing clothes. The sweater is scrumptious!
    I'm an older gal, so I usually wear vintage accessories instead of entire outfits. I tie my vintage scarves at the neck as was often done in the fifties. I'm always on the lookout for atomic designs.

  5. What a darling cardigan, and I love your pink lipstick too. :)

  6. What an absolutely beautiful outfit - accessorised perfectly. And that NOS sweater! What a find.
    I have also had a very hard time finding vintage basics/separates, I do believe like you said them were probably worn the most and maybe didn't last. Well, to be honest I have had a hard time finding 50s clothing for years, seeing as I am so small in the bust :( but I just try harder!
    I am a vintage scarf addict, I also want them in all colours and patterns! :) I get very excited when I find one that matches an outfit I have planned.
    Love your umbrella too - I collect them as well and I am planning to do a post showing some of them off soon!
    Hope you're having a good week so far x

    1. Yes, I love umbrellas and also collect them, I must also share my collection one day....

  7. I found out very early that separates were somewhat harder to find. Hence I started systematically looking for separates: blouses, sweaters, cardigans, tops, pants and skirts... I ended up with a significant collection of separates and I keep on buying them. Separates are the first thing I look for in any vintage shop, fair or market, while many other gals may be focusing on party and cocktail dresses. I am a "separate-o-lic" :-)

    Great finds Laurence!

  8. I dream of a DARLENE sweater like yours for years... the pink lipstick fits you perfectly! xxx

  9. i love that you mixed this outfit with those leopards pumps ... so unexpected but super fun.

    i adore seperates!!!!
    i suppose that seperates are harder to find then dresses, because a dress might have been more special to someone like an everyday blouse or cardigan. people keep clothes from their past they link with lovely (or very sad) memories. during the past few years i found a lot of festive 50s dresses, just worn one time, hanging in an old ladies wardrobe for decades ... on the other hand i found a lot of black dresses from the early to mid 40s made for funerals ...
    seperates are more everyday pieces that probably got worn to pieces ... so it's hard to find them in a good condition. if i find seperates from the 50s, most of the time they are way to big or to small for me ...

  10. WOW that sweater is so so beautiful. The art on it is so perfect I can't believe its vintage. Then the scarf matches so well too.
