Monday, September 29, 2014

La VIE en ROSE.... et bleu!!!

We really had a wonderful month of september...

Really sunny and quite hot.

It feel good after such a rainy august!

So I could enjoy a bit more my summer wardrobe!

Have I ever mentionned that pink is one of my favorite color?

Pink is not the best color for curvy girl like me I think... 

Can give a little pigglet style, but who care? I LOVE pink!!!!

When I found this dress on Etsy, I fell in love immediatly!

Look at all those cute details, OMG!

It's so comfy with this style.

 I matched it with my first new Sweedish Hasbeen shoes.

I have wanted to buy some since years but felt that they were really expensive and didn't know if they would be comfortable.

So when I found saled models on Ebay for $45, I bought 2 pairs!

They run a bit long and narrow, the leather is really hard... I suppose that they will be more confortable after wearing them a few times.

Sylvain was wearing a flea market find from Paris...

A really incredible 40's tie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A silky bird of paradise...

I love its colors from pink to blue..., who said that a guy cannot wear pink?

I made a turban with a scarf presented in my last post...

Some people asked me how I fix them on my head,

I just cross 2 pins on each back side of my head,
 see on the picture above.

This dress is a bit too big for me but it's more easy to wear it with hot temperatures!

You really want to do so much differents things when sky is blue,

but summer is now behind us....

it's already smell fall...

How do you feel about pink: pigglet or not?
Do your man wear vintage ties?

Que ce mois de septembre est agréable après un été plus que chaotique.... on profite toujours plus des choses sous le soleil! 
Mes robes en coton sont toujours de sortie, l'occasion d'inaugurer cette petite nouvelle. J'adore le rose... glamour, mais avec le rose on peut vite ressembler à un joli petit porcelet quand on a des rondeurs, mais franchement, je m'en fou, j'aime trop cette couleur pour m'en priver. J'ai finalement craquée après des années de dilemmes pour ces sandales aux semelles de bois, j'ai trouvé de bonnes soldes sur Ebay et payé $45 au lieu des plus de 200 au prix fort. Résultat: plutôt satisfaite par le look, mais pas des masses confortables, le cuir est très dur, mais je pense que c'est en les portant qu'elles deviendront plus souples. Gros coup de coeur pour la superbe cravate de mon homme dégotée aux puces à Paris!
Et vous, vous pensez quoi du rose? Cochon ou glamour? Pour hommes?
- A+ -


  1. Love your hasbeens, they're great in that colour. I have a pair and I don't find them to be super comfortable either, so I only wear them on days that I know I won't be walking around much!

  2. You look great in pink! I had never seen those shoes I must go look........

  3. I love how you accessorize your lovely dress, with baby blue and pink. I have never tried Hasbeens either, but I will soon. :)

  4. What a beautiful place! These are photographs you can look back fondly when the sun is not bright and winter is about. Pink is a great color for you. I think because you are fair and blonde this helps out a lot with the color pink. Those shoes are so cute! I also have a couple of pairs of this brand but I haven't done a lot of walking on them so I haven't broken them in fully.

  5. you look so fresh in that pink dress, not a bit piggyish... xxx

  6. Pink is such a lovely color! I adore your purse and your shoes so much. And your husbands tie and tie pin are so awesome

  7. J'adore la robe ! L'ensemble est coordonné parfaitement !
    L'épingle à cravate est juste géniale !

  8. What a darling dress! I love pink and blue together! And my goodness! That tie!!


  9. you look awesome in pink and blue! my favourite piece this time is the wicker purse!!!

    i'm sorry to hear, that you're not too happy with your hasbeens - mine wear already worn, so they were never narrow or hard ...

  10. Personnellement je déteste le rose, et lui préfère le rouge. Chacun ses goûts... En tout cas, point de cochonette à l'horizon pour vous, le rose vous va très bien, et la robe est vraiment très jolie.
