Monday, November 24, 2014

Tribute to MARLENE....

Even if you choose to dress vintage from a special era, there are still many styles!

I tried something different last week-end!

When I found this shirt NEW OLD STOCK from the 40's...

it immediatly made me think to the great Marlene Dietrich!

Simple, elegant but with a man flair.

So I tried to create an outfit like a tribute to her androgynous style.

So you will not have just one tie for Sylvain in this post but two!!!

Yes... Sylvain didn't dress like a girl for this post to do a reverse style like me...

He was quite already in a Xmas mood,

Green, red and off white...

Really nice colors that I keep myself for the holidays season!

Sylvain found this so nice winter jacket in the Rose Bowl flea market in L.A.

We were really dissapointed with this flea market... 

Many 80's stuff and SO expensive!

But he managed to find this 40's belted back jacket for a great price.

So one 40's tie...

and a second one!

I stole this one from Sylvain's collection...

I love its colors (that was a present from me to him..)!

Of course I have no full 30's-40's tuxedo like Marlene used to wear...

So I match a 40's jacket with large legs pants...

no exactly the same material so not exactly the same black... but not that bad.

But when you choose to dress in a man style...

you have to wear also some girly details...

Gold and lucite 50's purse...

Pink chrystal flowers brooch...

some matching flowers in the hair...

and my Miss L Fire derbies!

I got many positive feebacks for that outfit...

So I will try to think of some other androgynous ones!

Perhaps my man's wardrobe will give me some more inspiration...

He also loves special details like matching vintage socks!!!!

Do you often dress yourself in an androgynous style?
Have you ever visited the Rose Bowl flea market?

Je suis toujours inspirée par un vêtement ou un accessoire pour construire mes tenues.. ici, c'est cette chemise 40's trouvée neuve d'époque qui m'a inspirée! D'un style simple, élégant mais à la fois un peu masculin, elle m'a fait immédiatement penser à la grande Marlène Diedrich et son style androgyne! Et me voilà donc à fouiller dans la garde robe de mon mari pour trouver la cravate parfaite... donc 2 cravates pour le prix d'une dans ce post! Sylvain avait choisi une tenue bien plus festive où les couleurs de Noël sont déjà présentes! Première sortie pour cette veste en laine 40's, dénichée au Rose Bowl à Los Angeles... marché aux puces décevant mais qui caché tout de même cette petite merveille à prix raisonnable!
Avez-vous déjà eu la chance d'y chiner? Vous en avez pensé quoi?
Sinon, avez-vous déjà testé le style androgyne?
- J-30...- 


  1. what a great tribute to the wonderful dietrich! you new deadstock blouse is a real treasure! it fits you perfectly. i really love it's light pink with the manly cut mixed in one piece.

  2. I love this style on you! It looks great.

  3. Très joli chemisier! Cette tenue vous va très bien, très chic. On a l'habitude de vous voir en jupe, mais franchement "ça le fait carrément" en pantalon!

  4. How unexpected, and in my opinion, one of your best!

  5. Wowzers, dear gal, you look AMAZING!!! This is such a fabulous, inspiring and super chic outfit. I always love and am inspired by your stellar ensembles, this menswear-esque look really has to be one of my all-time favourites.

    ♥ Jessica

  6. A very different look for you but you make it work so well! I personally love androgynous looks, and I love how you've kept it feminine with all of the accessories. Just gorgeous!

  7. I can't get enough of this - I absolutely love this style on you!!!! You look so chic! :)

  8. I'm really glad Sylvain didn't dress like a girl. ;) He looks so lovely in his male style. And you did a great job imitating Marlene, although I always love your dresses and skirts. :)

  9. You look marvolous. What a great shirt and a beautiful jacket to go with it.
    You both look very pretty^^

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Laurence and Sylvain,
    Marlene would have been flattered by your wonderful tribute. You both have on lovely and inspiring outfits. Laurence the tie you picked is perfect. How difficult was it to find the "right one" for your Marlene tribute? No doubt Sylvain has plenty to choose from. Thank you both for another great post and also for inspiring me to add ties to my Fall/Winter wardrobe. XOXO LisaO

  12. What a spectacular outfit! As for dressing more androgynous, I did so a great bit in high school and early college. I adored ties and fedoras! And we went to the Rose Bowl shortly after moving to California! It was marvelous! Also Slyvain's coat! It is stunning!


  13. You look so very elegant - and still all lady! Marlene was a great figure to pay homage too. I'm glad Sylvain kept to his usual style, though, as I can't picture him in a frock!

  14. Lovely! This was an excellent homage to the dear Marlene.

  15. Ceci est époustouflant, le pantalon & cravate vous vont aussi bien, si non encore plus, que les jupes & robes.

  16. Laurence this is amazing! I love this homage to Marlene. Gosh that blouse is beautiful it surprises me that it was never used. You look great in your outfit! Classy dame:)

  17. Wow this is a true tribute to Marlene!
