Sunday, April 19, 2015


We are finally back from our US trip!

Fortunatly the sun came back with us...

It was like a hot summer in California,

so being able to enjoy spring after summer is quite delighful!

We came back just in time to not miss the blossoming trees.

Traveling is great but come back to home is also enjoyable!

Even if the weather seems perfect on those pictures....

it was SO windy!

As you can guess, we came back with full suitaces!

And of course, we were dying to wear our new vintage finds!

For Sylvain, these CRAZY pants!!!!

Can you believe what you are seing???

Yes... vintage 50's 2 tones slacks!

He found them at Hollywood and it was a bargain!!!

Who else can wear that kind of clothes except my clown husband?

I cannot say that I was convinced with their style...

but a lot of vintage sellers told us that they are really rare and valuable...

Original 50's golf pants!!!

What I was dying to wear was that 50's dress!

I really love that kind of 50's squaw dresses,

but its fabric is really special!

It's a novelty design with purses, gloves and umbrellas!!!

That was one of my last score at Viva Las Vegas.

The last day is really the best in the vendors rooms!

Moreover, vintage black is hard to find with no fadding,

but this dress is just in pristine condition and fit like a glove!

Sylvain also bought a few accessories

like this tie bar with the famous REDDY KILOWATT,

or this canpaign pin from the late 40's!

Even if it's a beautiful spring...

It's too early to get ride of our jackets...

so why not using a gorgeous Belle Lurette brooch
to brighten a plain one?

Are you also enjoying a beautiful spring?
What do you think of these pants: clown or dapper?

Et nous voilà de retour de notre périple américain... quel plaisir de retrouver notre beau pays sous le soleil! Après 3 semaines de temps estival en Californie, quel plaisir de profiter de cette douceur printanière sous les arbres en fleurs!
Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, nous sommes revenus les valises pleines! Et bien sûr, nous ne rêvons que d'étrenner nos belles trouvailles. Pour Sylvain, un vêtement des plus original avec ce pantalon fin 50 de 2 couleurs.... Et pour moi, cette robe 50's avec un tissu à tomber!
- A+ -


  1. You two look awesome!!! I love your new novelty dress and how fun are those pants!!

  2. Wow those slacks are a great find! As was your dress from Viva! Glad that we got to meet you both there :)

    1. SO glad to meet you and Alan!!!! If you want to visit France, you are welcomed at our place!

  3. Hello Laurence and Sylvain,
    I'm so happy you both made it home safely and I look forward to seeing more pictures from your trip. I always look forward to seeing what treasures you purchased and what lovely outfits you assemble. Sylvain, the pants are perfection...Only you could wear them!! Laurence, what a lovely dress and in good condition. I'm so glad you paired it with that lovely broach from Belle Lurette I've contacted them, because I'm interested in purchasing a few myself. Did you but online or in a store in Paris?
    Looking forward to see more pics and post of your wonderful trip. Hopefully, some day on future visit I can meet you both if you pass thru Long Beach, CA again!!
    XOXO Xenophiliaz

    1. For the moment, you can order the beauties from Belle Lurette only thru her FB page, she is still working on her Etsy shop. Feel free to contact Célia, she's such and sweet and talented woman!
      You can also buy her designs in Paris at the shop BORN BAD.

  4. I think I walked by you at The Orleans, but it was SO CROWDED that I couldn't stop and introduce myself. We had a great time in the vendor's rooms on Sunday as well. My daughter made her first vintage purchase!

  5. Welcome back!
    I already spotted your fabulous husband rocking those p-p-p-ants on Instagram. Awesome!
    your new dress is the best patio dress I have ever seen! What a wonderful find!

    I can't wait to see you Viva posts ..., if there are any after everyone was posting like crazy their Viva experiences on Instagram! ;)

    1. We didn't take many pictures you know.... so busy to enjoy time with our friends....

  6. Welcome back. :) Lovely dress. Have many purses do you own? I don't quite agree with Sylvains pant either, but they made me smile. Didn't he buy any ties? ;)

    1. I think I have around 100 purses... Yes, Sylvain found a lot of new vintage 40's ties!

  7. The dress is lovely and very wearable. You look great in it - so pleased that you enjoyed your trip.

  8. Your dress is fantastic, and THOSE PANTS ROCK! SO COOL!! I can't wait to see photos from your trip, and I saw you were in my city for a bit (San Diego) did you stop at Old Town?

    Carla, Tiny Angry Crafts

  9. Your sea horse brooch is adorable! Perfect to liven up a plain jacket. And I like the rich rac neck line on your dress! It's my favourite trim of all time!
