Tuesday, May 26, 2015

THANKS to be a girl!!!

Here are pictures from a few weeks ago...

this dress has been one of my favorite for years.

It's so comfy and easy to match...

but I'm always a bit dissapointed

when I see pictures of me wearing it.

I think it makes me look a bit curvier...

perhaps because it's 2 sizes too big...

but I don't care I love it so much!

Its details and colors are really great.

Despite the fact that I'm trying to buy more skirts,

 dresses are really my favorites!

Men don't have so many choices for their outfits...

Only separates...

Not fully true, because Sylvain has a few overalls to do odd jobs.

I love to be a woman and being able to wear so much fun accessories!

My husband also love fun things...

but the choice for men is really narrow compared to women!

Here he matched a fun kites 40's tie

with a sword tie bar!

A great belt can be also a beautiful add to a man outfit.

For women accessories choice has no ending!!!

Look at those sparkling silver sun glasses...

and moreover from a NOS!

Another so cute brooch from Erstwilder collection!

And one of my score from last Viva....

this Enid Collins purse!!!

I'm usually not a fan of this kind of purses,

there are often too 60's but
who can resist to this poodle design???

Another great add for this chilly spring,

this amazing 40's knitted cape!

Probably handmade with light blue and ... SILVER (!!!) wool.

What is your favorite kind of accessories?
Do you prefer skirts or dresses?

Et voici quelques photos diffusées encore avec un certain retard... Me voici dans une de mes robes favorites! J'adore son confort, ses détails, sa couleur, cependant quand je vois des photos de moi la portant, je suis souvent un peu déçue... je trouve qu'elle me grossit un peu... probablement car elle est 2 tailles trop grandes... mais au final, je l'aime trop pour ne pas la porter! Même si j'essaye d'enrichir ma garde robe avec des jupes, j'ai une réelle préférence pour les robes, plus facile à assortir. Je remercie souvent le ciel d'être née femme, nous avons tellement plus de choix en habillement que les hommes!!! Mon mari essaye de rendre ses tenues les plus fun possibles avec des accessoires de qualité, mais rien à voir avec le nombre d'accessoires disponibles pour nous les filles! Bijoux, sacs à mains, lunettes... on peut s'en donner à coeur joie!
- Bonne semaine à tous -

Friday, May 15, 2015

ATOMIC vintage skirt!!!!

We went to Brussels last week-end.

It was a really nice day between tourism and shopping.

We didn't have time to made a shoot for the blog,

but the ones who are following us on our INSTAGRAM saw some pictures!

We started with the flea market...

and also went to some vintage shoppes.

I saw a lot of nice stuff.

A few amazing novelty patterns but unfortunatly too small...

and I finally discovered this AMAZING skirt!!!

The perfect souvenir to bring back from Brussels!

It must date from 1958 when Brussels welcomed the World Fair.

The pattern is inspired by the famous ATOMIUM.

I could not wait to wear it....

These pictures are from the day after its purchase!

We matched on that day...

Bright red for Sylvain

 and bright red for me!

My hubby was wearing another purchase from our last US trip.

This unusual jacket from the 60's.

Unusual color and unusual fabric...

Judging from anchor buttons and terry style fabric,

it must be a kind of yachting or beach wear.

I love the pattern of this skirt...

but also his bright colors, so easy to match.

Red 50's blouse and one of my favorite brooch,

Navy and red shoes and purse.

I love this kind of bags, they are 60's,

but can fit 40's or 50's outfits.

This old abandoned factory and its colorful graffitis

was the perfect scenery for this photo shoot.

Blue and red...

even on Sylvain's accessories!

You must think that we are planning our outfits together...

but we never do that!

We have lived together for so long that
 we are probably thinking the same way...

Did you find some great vintage recently?
Do you sometimes match your clothes with your man?

Nous sommes retournés pour une petite journée shopping et tourisme à Bruxelles. Une belle escapade bien remplie où les trouvailles étaient au rendez-vous!
Et bien sûr, je n'ai pas pu résister plus longtemps pour porter mon nouveau trésor: cette jupe 50's datant probablement de 1958 puisque directement inspirée du célèbre ATOMIUM!!!
Nous semblons très assortis sur ces photos, mais c'était tout à fait fortuit... La veste de Sylvain est probablement 60's, mais très inhabituelle de par sa couleur, mais également par son tissu proche d'un tissu éponge... un vrai yachtman!
Et vous, avez-vous fait de belles trouvailles ces derniers temps?
- A bientôt -