Friday, May 15, 2015

ATOMIC vintage skirt!!!!

We went to Brussels last week-end.

It was a really nice day between tourism and shopping.

We didn't have time to made a shoot for the blog,

but the ones who are following us on our INSTAGRAM saw some pictures!

We started with the flea market...

and also went to some vintage shoppes.

I saw a lot of nice stuff.

A few amazing novelty patterns but unfortunatly too small...

and I finally discovered this AMAZING skirt!!!

The perfect souvenir to bring back from Brussels!

It must date from 1958 when Brussels welcomed the World Fair.

The pattern is inspired by the famous ATOMIUM.

I could not wait to wear it....

These pictures are from the day after its purchase!

We matched on that day...

Bright red for Sylvain

 and bright red for me!

My hubby was wearing another purchase from our last US trip.

This unusual jacket from the 60's.

Unusual color and unusual fabric...

Judging from anchor buttons and terry style fabric,

it must be a kind of yachting or beach wear.

I love the pattern of this skirt...

but also his bright colors, so easy to match.

Red 50's blouse and one of my favorite brooch,

Navy and red shoes and purse.

I love this kind of bags, they are 60's,

but can fit 40's or 50's outfits.

This old abandoned factory and its colorful graffitis

was the perfect scenery for this photo shoot.

Blue and red...

even on Sylvain's accessories!

You must think that we are planning our outfits together...

but we never do that!

We have lived together for so long that
 we are probably thinking the same way...

Did you find some great vintage recently?
Do you sometimes match your clothes with your man?

Nous sommes retournés pour une petite journée shopping et tourisme à Bruxelles. Une belle escapade bien remplie où les trouvailles étaient au rendez-vous!
Et bien sûr, je n'ai pas pu résister plus longtemps pour porter mon nouveau trésor: cette jupe 50's datant probablement de 1958 puisque directement inspirée du célèbre ATOMIUM!!!
Nous semblons très assortis sur ces photos, mais c'était tout à fait fortuit... La veste de Sylvain est probablement 60's, mais très inhabituelle de par sa couleur, mais également par son tissu proche d'un tissu éponge... un vrai yachtman!
Et vous, avez-vous fait de belles trouvailles ces derniers temps?
- A bientôt -


  1. Such an amazing skirt!!! What are the vintage shops like in Brussels (can you recommend any?) :)

    1. Yes Shauna! If you want to go to Brussels just tell me and I can give you great tips! We can also meet there, it's only 2h drive from our place. You are also welcome at our place!!!

    2. Thanks Laurence! We haven't made any plans yet but had been thinking about it, I'll let you know!! :)

  2. Ah! It's a body centered cubic crystal structure on your skirt! The chemistry teacher in me is jumping for joy (and also a bit jealous.).

  3. Quelle trouvaille, cette jupe ! Effectivement on ne pouvait rêver mieux comme souvenir à rapporter de Bruxelles ! Incroyable !

    On te voit très rarement sans tes filets colorés dans les cheveux...mais cheveux lâchés comme avec cette tenue, ça te va super bien !

    Vous êtes très beaux tous les deux, comme d'habitude !

  4. Awesome outfits! I love how your bird brooch mirrors some of the angular shapes in your delightful novelty print skirt. The harmony between the two is strikingly pretty.

    ♥ Jessica

  5. I love your outfits, both are bright and cheerful. Your hair looks gorgeous too.

  6. The bird brooch is very cool! And you both look great!

  7. you both are looking as great as always!!!

  8. I've been married to Philip for 35 years and that happens all the time to us. We went out on Sunday both wearing mustard and blue and people didn't believe us when we said we didn't know what the other was wearing.
    On my trip to liverpool last weekend I wore my £13 Fulton of London dress and jacket and my £8 knee high leather boots from Germany

  9. I love the fact you match serendipitously! That skirt is SUCH a fun print!
    I found some amazing vintage flower broooches last week-4 of them- I was so gleeful, as well as two others!x
