Sunday, August 23, 2015

Back from vacations!!!

And we are finally back from our vacations!

After some lazy days after this long trip...

we went out to enjoy this sunny day,

yes... Fall is just around the corner!

The weather is really better than what we had during our road trip...

almost 38°C (110°F) each day... CRAZY!

so now with 27°C I didn't fear to wear black...

paired with this nice 50's novelty skirt.

I wore it during our trip in the USA last year...

but it really deserves a post for itself!

Sylvain was so pleased to be able to wear ties again.

because of course you cannot wear them with 38°C!

This one is from the 30's.

A little hawaïan flair what is rare in that era.

To be back to my skirt...

its colors are quite unusual for me,

cannot believe it matches perfectly

my new set of bangles from the Pink Bungaloo!

I also have had this hat for a few years...

but never found the perfect outfit to match with...

you sometimes fall in love with some items that are so hard to match with anything...

but it's too hard to resist, you HAVE TO buy it....

CRAZY vintage addict!!!

My Girafe brooch is from Erstwilder.

Do you see their last collection?

I must tell that it's not my favorite...

I prefer their older designs just with animals.

We found a few good thrift stores during our road trip.

This yellow shirt is part of what we found!

Did you have a crazy HOT summer?
Do you also buy things that will be hard to match?

Et nous voici de retour de notre road trip!!! Après quelques jours de cocooning pour se remettre de ce périple sous des températures caniculaires, on a enfin trouvé la force de mettre le nez dehors pour profiter des derniers jours des vacances... et oui, l'automne n'est pas loin....
Après des 38° pendant des jours, 27° ne nous fait plus peur... l'occasion de sortir des vêtements un peu différents! Retour aux cravates pour Sylvain et je ressors le noir!
- A bientôt pour un compte rendu de nos vacances! -


  1. I spent this crazy hot summer half in the hospital, half home in bed ... since the temperatur went back to normal summer warmth I'm back on my feet. Good timing. ;)

    Wow ... The hat, the purse and for sure the skirt are absolutely swoon worthy!

  2. You are my favourite style icon pair! :) Lovely skirt, and cute handbag.

  3. Comme toujours très belles photos! j'adore ta jupe et ton chapeau :-) Ton mari toujours si elegante. Le samedi dernière retour à 35C en Allemagne (frontière Lux/France) mais le dimanche a plu et les temperatures étaient plus freches. Bon, j'espère vous vous avez bien amussé dans votre "road trip". Courage pour le retour au travail! P.S.: marche au puces à Trèves le 29/08 (si il ne plui pas j'y irais). Eva

  4. That skirt is so splendidly cute!!! Love, love, love!!! The temps are cooling off a touch here, too, but still feel more like summer than fall.

    ♥ Jessica

  5. Such a cute skirt! Love your fashion sense :)

  6. Marvellous hat! Glad you found an outfit to pair it with.
