Monday, August 31, 2015

Let's go to BAVARIA!!!

Yes, that's a fact, vacations are off...

So why not going back with us on our august road trip?

We planned a trip in Bavaria, Austria and Hungary.

We started with 2 days in Munich about 6 hours drive from home.

We visited the most touristic areas of the city...

but we also visited a few vintage shoppes and flea markets!!!

I was looking for a traditional bavarian outfit.

I found one really nice: pink dress and black apron.

It is vintage but hard to say the era because traditional dirndls still look like a 50's one!

We really enjoyed Munich.

good food, friendly people and so clean!

After that we left the city for the montains!

One of the main goal of this trip was for me to see Neuschwanstein castle...

but I must tell you that I was a bit dissapointed.

The caste is really beautiful from the village,

(Did you know that it inspired Disney for Disneyland?)

but when you see it close, it seems to be too new...
like a fake one...

Yes, it's not a medieval castle, 
just a copy from the late 19th century...

At the same place, you can see Hohenschwangau castle from the same era.

You cannot mention that on our pictures but it was SO crowdy..

Hundred of buses, mainly chineese people, were there!

The place had lost a bit its romantic side... 

We could even visit the inside of the castles...

At 10:00AM, the visits were sold out!!!

Tyrolian landscapes were so beautiful with montains and lakes!

After this stressful day, we finished our journey at Chiemsee lake.

The water was a bit fresh...

but we could not miss a small bath!!!

Yes... our skins are a bit white... we are not fan of tanning...

you will never see us laying on a beach all the day... 
we need more action!

Where did you go for vacations this summer?
Do you prefer beaches, mounstains, cities...?

Et voilà, c'est la rentrée... les vacances sont derrières nous! Alors pourquoi ne pas repartir avec nous pour un petit road trip en Bavière, Autriche et Hongrie? 
Nous ne sommes pas fans de bronzette sur la plage, il nous faut de l'action et des choses à visiter. Notre voyage a commencé à Munich avec un peu de tourisme, quelques boutiques vintage et bien sûr quelques marchés aux puces! Nous avons beaucoup aimé cette ville, puis nous avons pris la direction des montagnes pour visiter les châteaux de Bavière. Un des buts de ce voyage était Neuschwanstein... et bien j'ai été un peu déçue... très beau vu d'en bas, il parait trop neuf vu de près... (et oui, ce n'est qu'une copie d'un château médiéval) et contrairement à ce que nos photos laissent penser, l'endroit été bondé et perdait un peu de son côté romantique...
Les paysages étaient néanmoins magnifiques entre lacs et montagne avec un temps magnifique... nous ne pouvions pas éviter la baignade dans ces eaux limpides!!!
- A bientôt pour la suite de notre voyage -


  1. How wonderful! I particularly love the green dress you wore at the beginning of the post. Very pretty. :)

    I live near the beach so that's not high on my vacation list! I'm not much of a nature person so I like city vacations.

  2. What an exciting trip chalked with stunning architecture. I lap up all of your travel posts with gusto - armchair vacationer that I usually am - and really appreciate and enjoy how much you share with us when you guys go on holiday.

    Joyful start of September wishes!
    ♥ Jessica

  3. It is a very pretty castle, even if it is very new. Such a shame you couldn't go inside; when I've seen it on the telly the interiors are stunning.

    I'm having my holiday later this month - in Paris! I'm so excited.

  4. Ah! quelle beauté! La Bavière est tellement belle mais aussi Tirol (dans le quel j'étais pour un autre road trip avec ma cox - une classique aussi). Les photos magnifiques et vous, toujours bien habilles :-)
    J'espère la reentré n'était pas dure :-) . Eva

  5. Looks like a lovely trip, bet a dip in the lake was wonderful.

  6. Very nice trip, beautiful green dress and matching headpiece, I really enjoy your post :)

  7. Very nice trip, beautiful green dress and matching headpiece, I really enjoy your post :)

  8. excellents photos!! et j'adore j'adore vos tenues! j'aimerais bien faire un road trip identique l'annee prochaine peut-etre. en ce moment j'ai un petit bebe de 2 mois. montagnes, villes, et plages, le meilleur ca serait le tout :)

  9. excellents photos!! et j'adore j'adore vos tenues! j'aimerais bien faire un road trip identique l'annee prochaine peut-etre. en ce moment j'ai un petit bebe de 2 mois. montagnes, villes, et plages, le meilleur ca serait le tout :)

  10. Where did I go on vacation ... Must have been the hospital. SAD FACE! Slowly, very slowly I can start to dream about next years holidays in the US again ...
    ...But your wonderful trip and amzing photos took me with you on a little dream vacation. Thanks a lot!
