Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Back to the ROOTS....

Here are a few pictures from the mid of september...

a change of season,

was still sunny like summer but chilly like fall...

I like this period of the year...

when you can wear vintage without fearing the heat...

and not needing a coat yet.

We enjoyed a stroll in the city of Metz...

were I was born by the way...

Time to enjoy a bit more flowers before they will be remplace by autum leaves.

As I mentionned in my last post,

I love floral outfits!!!

and when flowers are PINK...

it's even better!!!

We took those pictures in a beautiful XVIIIth century place.

Handsome hubby in vintage from head to toes!

Gray and red, what a good choice!

I love to hunt vintage ties for him...

I know that it's the kind of gift that he will like for sure.

Pink and black cannot turn wrong!

I were happy just to know that this little bunny was with me!

He matched perfectly my vintage 50's lucite purse.

Even they are quite popular among vintage girls...

lucite purses are not my favorites,

often not enough roomy, too expensive and 

too fragile... always fearing to dammage them!

But so many people complimented me on that day about it.

I can understand if you have never seen one that it can seem outstanding!

I really love that floral skirt made for me

and that Miss L Fire heart sandales...

give the perfect touch to my romantic look!

Sylvain and I have always the same problem when we want to make a photo shoot.

I like all the places that are cute and clean...

and he likes all abandonned, dirty, industrial places...

of course, I know that in the 50's most of french streets looked like that...

with poverty and dirt in the city...

but I like that everything is perfect... 
I'm quite a romantic perfectionist!

Do you prefer clean backgrounds or
 some streets like they could be in the 50's?
Where were you born?

Et nous voici à nouveau entre 2 saisons... un temps idéal pour nous, on peut s'habiller sans avoir à craindre la chaleur et un manteau n'est pas encore nécessaire... petite balade à Metz (la ville qui m'a vu naître!) pour apprécier les parterres de fleurs avant qu'ils soient bien vite remplacés par les feuilles mortes...
Alors pourquoi pas une jupe fleurie pour l'occasion!!!
Sylvain et moi ne sommes souvent pas d'accord pour choisir les endroits de nos prises de vues... j'aime les endroits coquets et proprets... il aime les bâtiments abandonnés et délabrés, voir les zones industrielles un peu glauques... c'est sûr, je suis bien consciente que dans les 50's, la France ressemblait plus à cela qu'à l'image de carte postale que j'aime donner... les rues des villes étaient sales, les bâtiments non restaurés... mais bon, je suis une incorrigible perfectionniste et romantique!
- Bonne fin de semaine -


  1. Ohh great looks! Your sweater really looks comfy :)

  2. I love your outfit, the skirt is so pretty and the sweater is perfect - pretty but warm too.
    I love to see the places you photograph, I don't mind if it's clean and pretty or dirty and industrial - they both have a certain romanticism about them - and take me to places I will probably never see.

  3. What a lovely city you were born in. I agree with you - I like all the pretty, clean backgrounds. I love your skirt. Black and pink is one of my favorite combinations. I was born in Arizona, which is desert and quite different, but still very pretty.

  4. My dear,
    If I say you two look up-to-date I don't think about this day and age. You two look absolutely 1950s decade-approved. :)
    I do wonder about your shoes, are you one of the lucky ones that can manage a whole day in heels, or do you have some "trick" on how to survive in heels?


  5. I'm utterly in love with your beautifully feminine, floral filled outfit! That wee bunny in a top hat brooch is the icing on the fabulously stylish cake (errr, outfit :)) here.

    Wishing you both a marvelous start of October!
    ♥ Jessica

  6. I am always impressed by your wonderful photos. I prefer taking photos with out modern items, cars light poles, and people. I also have to agree with Sylvain. There is something so grand and wonderful about an old building or lot and just so comforting to look at.

  7. Beautiful outfits! Your sweater is s adorable ... This fall I'm mostly looking for jackets, coats and sweaters, which is really hard ....
    Have a lovely Week!

  8. Beautiful photos and lovely outfits!!! Bonjour de Montreal, Canada! (Je parle anglais et francais). :)

  9. waw quelles tenues incroyables et quelles belles photos de vous deux! je crois que c'est l'un de mes préférés. j'adore la jupe fleurie, et le béret + le snod! vous êtes vraiment le couple royal des accessoires! Bonjour de Lyon, mais je suis née en Slovaquie.
