Sunday, December 13, 2015

In a SPIDER web !!!

Hi dear readers!

Long time without news...

except if your are following us on Facebook or Instagram.

Here are some "old" pictures...

dating back from November.

But the weather was already so wintery...

and the colors of my outfit a bit Xmassy, aren't they?

November and early december were quite busy.

We spent a few days in Paris...

a week after the sad events which happened there...

We could see that something was different in the streets...

but we didn't feel any insecurity,

a lot of shoppes owners thanked us not to have cancel our trip...

please support PARIS and visit the most beautiful city in the world!!!

A few words about my outfit...

I LOVE my new SPIDER web circle skirt!

Matched with a vintage rhinestones spider brooch!

My new MISS L FIRE shoes helps me to choose the other colors of my outfit...

Green and red!!!

Loved this combo...

These shoes are LOVELY!!!


But be carefull... they run large... I regret not to have downsized...

Did you notice my new hairstyle?

Just temporary after a haircut...

a 60's flair that's makes me look younger if I believe what people said to me...

No change for my hubby...

Still handsome...

with a nice 50's jacket,

a bright shirt,

a gorgeous 40's tie and... 

an amazing car!

Do you often change your hairstyle?
Will you come to Paris despite those sad events ?

Nous voici de retour après un long silence... et quelques photos prises quelque part en Novembre... mais la lumière bien triste de l'hiver était déjà là et nos tenues avaient déjà des couleurs orientées vers Noël... Novembre et début décembre ont été chargés, notamment avec un petit voyage à Paris... quelques jours après les tristes événements du 13/11... nous n'avons pas senti d'insécurité, mais il était évident que certains quartiers s'étaient vidés... supportons notre belle capitale en n'annulant pas vos voyages!
De petites nouveautés dans ma tenue, mais aussi avec une nouvelle coupe de cheveux... provisoire après un passage chez le coiffeur...
- Allez, préparez bien les fêtes et à bientôt! - 


  1. I agree that your hairstyle looks young and really cute! Your outfits are awe-inspiring!!

    Je suis heureux que vous avez voyagé à Paris, car vous avez sûrement fait sourire Parisiens.

  2. Love your hair and your style, your photos on instagram are some of my very favorite! Like a flash back to my favorite era fashion and photo style wise. No I shant go to Paris, not from a place of fear, but because I do not travel far from home.

  3. I love your hair... It makes you look younger. Your outfits are fab as always!

  4. And yes, I do and will go to Paris, London, Berlin or wherever evil souls want to crush freedom with fear.

  5. The pictures are wonderful! I love the colors in your spiderweb outfit. The Miss L Fire shoes are very nice--I've seen them online but could not envision how they would look with an outfit! Your emsemble is enspiring

    The new hairstyle is very becoming! Very cute!

  6. I think your hair looks lovely like that- soft and youthful. I really like the colour combination of your outfit. Not colours I would have thought (or have the courage) to try. I must try a little flash of red in my accessories. Oh those shoes!!! Just gorgeous.
    Every time I see that tie pin Sylvain is wearing I am fascinated by how it fixes on the tie. It can't really go through it, I presume, as it would ruin the tie. A bit of a puzzle!

  7. on te voit peu avec cette coiffure mais adore ça te va très bien Laurence ! Vous etes toujours élégants quoi qu'il en soit. Eh oui quelque chose a changé à Paris, enfin là le train train a repris le dessus, s'en est tout de meme plus vivable , mais il ne faut pas oublier ...


  8. Those shoes are worth building an entire outfit around! How fabulous.

    You are so right about supporting Paris at a time like this. For a very different reason, my home area suffered a heavy loss of tourism after we had severe bush fires, and we really needed people to return once it was safe again.

  9. Love your hairstyle, and you do look younger. You look very Betty Draper. But I also like your normal hairstyle. That skirt is Divine, and I love the colours you've matched it with. I know you have a lot of Miss L Fire shoes, is it normal that they are on the bigger side? I've just bought a pair and had to downsize. It would be nice to know for future purchases. Sylvain is an early Christmas dish, I adore his style and wish my hubby would do the same. He's started wearing wests, that's a beginning. Have a lovely day, you two. :)

  10. très belle coupe de cheveux et des tenues magnifiques tous les deux! Paris, j'arrive bientôt pour une visite! Des que mon nouveau ne sera un peu plus grand.

  11. Vous êtes toujours très beaux tous les deux, ça me fait plaisir de te voir avec un "new hairstyle" ça te va super je trouve. Ca adoucit ton visage :-)
    je vous souhaite de passer de bonnes fêtes de fin d'année
    Des Bizzzzzz

  12. Good to have the chance to see this beautiful outfit in full sized pictures (not just instsgram) ;). The skirt is marvelous, the best spiderweb print I have ever seen! Ant I truly love tis hair on you!
    ... Those horrible things that happened in Paris changed the whole western world a little more. Living in Berlin to me is right now a little bit of 'the awaiting of something bad happening' here. But we should always remember that there are parts in the world like Mali, Syria and Irac where terroristic attacks happen kind of every day. For the New Year I wish nothing else then peace to the world - I know this is naive and romantic and won't happen. 'Hope' is the last thing to loose.

  13. A million yeses!!! In the face of horrors like what befell France, the answer is not avoidance, but love and support for a nation whose heart has been broken by violence. Thank you both so much for the important reminder of this and for sharing some of the wonderfully stylish snaps you took while in France.

    ♥ Jessica
