Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Never enough PINK!!!!

And some other pictures from late september...

that was one of the first day that really smelled fall...

first autum leaves...

a bit of sun but too chilly to go out without a jacket!

A perfect Pendleton weather!

I love the colors of this jacket...

Quite Xmassy, love red and green!!!

but I also LOVE pink!

Not really a autumnal color, but who cares.

I wanted to wear that skirt on that day...

A novelty print with kind of bavarian characters,

Perfect for an Oktoberfest mood!

We must enjoy our vintage cars,

they will soon stay in our garage to sleep until next spring!

I have had a few problems with my Chevy lately...

we were supposed to go to Disneyland in september with it...

but it decided not to go...

after that it stopped in the middle of the highway because of a coil problem...

even if it's quite reliable...

you never know what will hapenned with a vintage car!

and with 4 in the garage, it's worse!

Fortunatly I have my husband...

and mainly my father to work on them!

Yes, Sylvain is like me...

he prefers to drive than to work on cars!

Here are a few details in my outfit:

Little felt brooch...

vintage lucite bracelets...

50's box purse...

vintage white sweater...

pink snood and matching flowers...

and .... PINK... shoes!!!!

For Sylvain's outfit...

2 tones shoes...

light color vintage slacks...

pink vintage shirt...

and why not a palm tree 40's tie???

and I wanted to share finally this Instagram picture of that day!

If the blog is slow... you can follow us HERE!

Do you follow us in Instagram?
Do you try to wear some special colors on seasons?

Allez, encore quelques photos datant de quelques semaines... les prémisses de l'automne, les feuilles commencent à rougir... malgré quelques rayons de soleil, la petite laine est de rigueur... un temps parfait pour sortir une veste Pendleton!
Pour moi, rose, rose, rose.... même si ce n'est pas vraiment une couleur automnale, le rose est toujours un bon choix pour moi... j'adore le rose!
Dernières sorties en voitures anciennes avant de les remiser pour l'hiver... pas toujours facile de prendre la route avec ces vieilles ladies capricieuses, elles peuvent nous jouer des tours pas toujours très marrants... mais, bon, on leur pardonne vu leur grand âge! Ma Chevy a tout de même fêté ces 60 ans l'année passée!
Si parfois le blog est un peu lent, n'hésitez pas à nous suivre sur Instagram!
- A+ -

Thursday, October 15, 2015

SWING in the FIELD!!!

Hi there! How are you my dear readers?

cannot believe that those pictures were taken less than one month ago...

The first week-end of fall had a summer flair!

It's like we directly jump from summer to winter...

Can you believe that it snowed yesterday near home!!!!!

Was 4°C (40°F) in the middle of the day today....

so let's enjoy a bit more sunny days on this post,

but you will see soon on this blog...

darker skies and wool outfits!

Thanks to Didier for these beautiful pictures of us!

Please visit his Facebook page, he is really talented!!!

Here is a small backstage preview!

We met some friends on that day ...

and went to a military event.

Always fun to discuss with other passionate people!

That was a special date in France.

It's called the "journée du patrimoine"

can be translate like the Heritage Day I think.

On that day, you can visit a lot of historic places for free.

There are also some places not openned to public that can be visited only on that day.

It's nice because even people who ususally don't go to museums, go out to enjoy our history!

We enjoyed the music of a swing orchestra outdoor!

A rare experience for sure!

A lot of people tried to dress up.

Like our friend here with Sylvain.

It's the traditionnal outfit of women in our part of France "Lorraine".

I was not in a WWII mood myself....

Just... Lost in the 50's!

I love this novelty set!

I had had this amazing vintage fabric laying in a suitcase for years...

I thought a few months ago that it was time to give it a real life!

Debora from The Black Pinafore created this for me!

She's really a sweet person and her works is just perfect!!!

You can contact her for your dreamy sewing projects and they will come into life!

My dapper husband was handsome... as always :-)

I liked the small details on his outfit...

makes me think to Ali Baba or Pirates of the Carribean!

Do you have Heritage Days in your country?
Do you have sewing projects that you are dreaming for?

Et oui, difficile de croire que ces photos ont moins d'un mois... le soleil me manque déjà... il semble que nous sommes directement passés de l'été à l'hiver... seulement 4°C en pleine journée aujourd'hui, les pare-brises à dégivrer le matin  et de la neige a quelques kms de la maison hier... y a plus de saisons mes braves gens!!!
Ces photos datent des journées du patrimoine où nous nous sommes rendus à un fort de la ligne Maginot pour une reconstitution historique et un beau concert de swing en pleine nature. C'est toujours un plaisir de rencontrer des personnes passionnées!
Pour moi, je n'étais au final pas en totale symbiose avec cette ambiance 40's, mais j'ai eu plutôt envie d'inaugurer ce nouvel ensemble 50's, fait pour moi avec une étoffe vintage qui dormait depuis des années dans une valise... 
- Bises à tous au chaud sous la couette...-