Long time without news...
Here are some "old" pictures...
dating back from November.
But the weather was already so wintery...
and the colors of my outfit a bit Xmassy, aren't they?
November and early december were quite busy.
We spent a few days in Paris...
a week after the sad events which happened there...
We could see that something was different in the streets...
but we didn't feel any insecurity,
a lot of shoppes owners thanked us not to have cancel our trip...
please support PARIS and visit the most beautiful city in the world!!!
A few words about my outfit...
I LOVE my new SPIDER web circle skirt!
Matched with a vintage rhinestones spider brooch!
My new MISS L FIRE shoes helps me to choose the other colors of my outfit...
Green and red!!!
Loved this combo...
These shoes are LOVELY!!!
But be carefull... they run large... I regret not to have downsized...
Did you notice my new hairstyle?
Just temporary after a haircut...
a 60's flair that's makes me look younger if I believe what people said to me...
No change for my hubby...
Still handsome...
with a nice 50's jacket,
a bright shirt,
a gorgeous 40's tie and...
an amazing car!
Do you often change your hairstyle?
Will you come to Paris despite those sad events ?
Nous voici de retour après un long silence... et quelques photos prises quelque part en Novembre... mais la lumière bien triste de l'hiver était déjà là et nos tenues avaient déjà des couleurs orientées vers Noël... Novembre et début décembre ont été chargés, notamment avec un petit voyage à Paris... quelques jours après les tristes événements du 13/11... nous n'avons pas senti d'insécurité, mais il était évident que certains quartiers s'étaient vidés... supportons notre belle capitale en n'annulant pas vos voyages!
De petites nouveautés dans ma tenue, mais aussi avec une nouvelle coupe de cheveux... provisoire après un passage chez le coiffeur...
- Allez, préparez bien les fêtes et à bientôt! -