Thursday, January 23, 2014

CHURCH from the 50's...

I must tell you that it's not easy to find a good place for a shooting.

Every time, we want to find a place out of time...

No modern cars or other contemporary parasites!

This time we found this 50's Church.

We often choose churches because it's out of time and well preserved places.

As many battles took place in our area during WWII, there are a lot of modern 50's churches near home!

But it's becoming harder and harder to find nice different places for a photos shoot...

Mainly in winter because nature is so sad with no leaves...

So I tried a new style on that day!

Not sure if it really fitted...

My husband told me that I looked like Miss Piggy...
a pig with a wig...

I'm not used to wear straight hair because mine are naturely frizzy.

I have just received this new skirt from Etsy.

I don't have a lot of these pencil 50's skirts bacause it's hard to find one in my waist and hips size.

I have found recently the perfect stockings...

but it's not stockings... I don't like to wear stockings for everyday wear, I prefer pantyhose... here is how they look full lenght (cute, aren't they?)and where to buy them! They are comfy and warm.

Sylvain wore brown and orange, great combination (even if I don't like orange on me...).

50's flecked wool jacket... he will soon sell a part of his jackets collection some don't fit him perfectly so stay tuned if you are interested!

I really like the colors of his 40's tie!

He often wears the same Watch despite he have many different model... this day he chose this gold 50's one, so elegant.

Sylvain's shoes were his father's ones in the 50's...
familly legacy!

I'm really interested lately with vintage scarves.

I'm trying to find new ways to wear them: on hair (turban, bow) or in neck or on shoulders... many options!

We unfortunatly didn't took a good picture of my jewels 50's set: matching cuff bracelet and horseshoe brooch!

Where do you often take your pictures for your blog?
Have you tips to wear silk scarves and create different styles?


  1. you both have the best pictures fun and so beautiful!!!! the 50s church is quite lovely. i love this place. you could take pictures there more often.

    oh, i love this new hairdo ... it looks great on you! no, miss piggy ... no! no!!!

  2. The pictures are beautiful and I love your hair like this, it's really nice! Everything you have such an amazing photographs, outfits, hairstyles and stories, it's a pleasure to read your blog!

    xoxo Emma

  3. Your pictures are wonderful. It looks like you picked a good day to this lovely church. It's so cold here that I do not want to venture outside. I love that you changed it up with your hair, I like it:) You have a wonderful outfit on. I also like tights and they are so hard to find in nude. I see a lot with black seams but very little selection in nude seams.

  4. Great photos! And I really dig your hair like this! And we are shoe twins!

    Like you, I battle with trying to find locations. There is a lot not working in our favor a good chunk of the time.

    And I like putting a scarf in my hair too! It adds a lot of style but with very little effort!


  5. I really lovethis tutorial

    Your look is one of the most beautiful you've worn, and the hairstyle gives a lot.
    The color of the skirt and cardigan details do not seem to be in the winter.
    Very nice location.

  6. So very true! While I have no problem reusing shoot locations, it is good usually to put some variety into the mix and try to find new spots to snap away in. Tony and I keep a running list of ones we encounter while out and about that we hope to return to and shoot in later on (we call it our "phosholo" - short for photo shoot location - list).

    You two both look marvelous! I adore the fun pattern on your scarf and the beautiful detailing on your cardigan.

    Big hugs & many thanks for your fabulously nice comment on this week's vintage outfit post,

    ♥ Jessica

  7. You do NOT look like Miss Piggy! I love seeing your hair down; it looks great!

  8. I really like your hair like this, and I think it makes you look younger! I also think the pencil skirt is great on you! :)

  9. The new hairstyle is very flattering, young and sweet! xxx

  10. Love the new hair, it suits you! Also the bows on the tights are so cute in the full length view.

  11. You do NOT look like Miss Piggy, don't listen to Sylvain. You look lovely. Love your red pencil skirt, I've just bought one too. :)

  12. I really like your hairstyle. It was the first thing I noticed!
