Monday, June 30, 2014

Too SHORT????

Here are some quite old pictures back in May...

we have not been at home one full week-end since VLV!

So I have many late posts still to come...

We were in my parents' place on these pictures for mothers' day.

I wanted to wear a colorful dress for the first warmer days of the year.

I decided to give a chance to this late 50's european dress.

Sylvain who always wants to be different chose to wear autumnish colors...

So we really didn't match on that day!

I never wore that dress before because I think it has a big flaw... it's too short...

Late 50's skirts, mainly european ones, are really shorter than the lenght I like to wear.

Although I'm sure that it has not been shorten, 
it's its original lenght,

I feel that it would have looked better with a few more inches...

but I really loved its colors and these painted flowers, so I bought it even if I would have like it to be longer!

Most of 40's-50's european clothes were tailor or homemade made, almost no ready to wear ones.

Fabrics were expensive and people not too rich, that's also why dresses were often shorter in Europe than in the USA.

For once, my husband went out with a 50's pair of shoes...

Vintage shoes are quite hard to wear on a everyday basis, they have become so fragile.

but he had to wear these vintage FLORSCHEIM ones on that day... why?

To match his tie bar!!!

Hard for him to leave his 50's jackets in his wardrobe...

And here are some closer views of my accessories.

Huge 50's velvet hat...

Flowers on dress, on hair and on purse...

and flowers all around!

Do you like late 50's fashion?
Do you mind wearing quite short skirts?

Beaucoup de retard sur le blog... voici quelques clichés datant de la fête des mères... 1 mois déjà!
Printemps oblige j'avais choisi une tenue très florale avec cette robe fin 50's. Je la portais pour la 1ère fois car je lui trouve un gros défaut... sa jupe est trop courte à mon goût! C'est souvent le cas pour les robes européennes de cette époque, mais bon, le motif est si glamour que j'ai voulu lui donner une chance... vous en pensez quoi? Sylvain est quand à lui rester bloquer en automne avec cette tenue.
- A très bientôt -


  1. Your dress is beautiful, such a gorgeous print. I don't think that you should worry about the length, it looks great on. All your lovely accessories look great too, that hat and bag are amazing!

  2. I think you look gorgeous, regardless of the length! It's such a beautiful, cheerful print (and I love your purse!).

    I tend to buy late '50s/early '60s clothing myself. I'm so short, I can't wear anything too long or it'll swallow me whole! :P

  3. Absolutely not too short! It looks fresh, young and sassy on you!

  4. It's not too short - I think this dress looks lovely on you!! :)

  5. Je trouve que cette longueur vous va a ravir, l'imprime également.

  6. Stunning outfit, and as always it is accessorised to perfection. The dress looks beautiful, not too short - I understand that if you don't feel 100% comfortable you probably won't wear it much, but I really wouldn't worry about that one, it looks perfect still, especially with the bag/hat/shoes to carry it off. I do like late 50s fashion (not all of it) I like my hems to be longer too. I can't believe how short some girls/women wear their skirts these days! I do like shorts of course, but I also like those to have adequate coverage :) Well done to you and Sylvain for another great set of outfits!

  7. Gloriously gorgeous dress!!! Interstingly, had you not said anything, I wouldn't have thought it looked too short. The length compliments the fabric and overall tailoring of the piece and is so well suited to summer. That said, as someone who prefer her dresses and skirts to hit at leas a few inches below the knee, I can certainly relate to where you're coming from. A couple of possible workarounds are to add an extension to the hem with lace or a coordinating (solid) fabric, or to layer the dress over a longer similarly coloured skirt (my first choice, as I'm not a fan of altering intact vintage usually) and give it (your outfit) an intentionally layered look.

    ♥ Jessica

  8. Ahhhh I love that hat! I've been looking for one in black for the Goodwood Revival but have yet to find one, hopefully I will do before September.

    I do like late 50s and early 60s fashion and I'd wear that length (for me, the length is ok as long as it's below the knee!)

  9. I know what you mean, one or two inches at the hem can really make a difference :-) But it´s a beautiful dress anyway :-)

  10. I love your flowery look, and I think the length is OK for you, although I know what you mean, I also want my dresses a bit longer. Is it possible to let it down a bit? :)

  11. Hello,
    I don't think it's too short, it's perfect for the weather. I know how you feel because, I too like length in my skirts and dresses. I'm self-conscience when it comes to my legs, so I like things well below the knee. I love 50's fashion, that is the best era for me and most comfortable to wear.
    You and Sylvain look amazing as always. I've purchased a few floral items for spring and summer, so I appreciate how've you've accessorized your beautiful dress. Lovely as always!! XOXO LisaO

  12. i love this dress. it has the perfect colours for summer ... but i know what you mean about the length. actually i also like the shorter late 50s dresses, because they look super great with flats or low heels ... some of them are just a few cm too short around the knee, in this case i end up feeling almost naked.

    did you try to wear this dress with a tiny petticoat, or even without. sometimes it does help with the length.

  13. Oh quelle ravisante robe, superbe tenue !
    J'adore, c'est frais, c'est coloré... tout ce que j'aime !
    Et ce sac est une merveille !

    Sinon, je ne trouve pas que la robe soit trop courte. Je préfère aussi lorsqu'elles sont plus longues (au moins au dessous du genou).

  14. Lovely outfits you both! And I like this length for skirts. Because I am a very short woman I do have to wear high heels with longer skirts to feel comfortable, shorter allow me to wear flats as well. But I can understand how you feel. I do panic at everything above the knee because I hate to show my knees.^^
    Is there a large hem allowance inside? Maybe you can undo the hem and re-do it with bias binding, like this you would win a few centimetres.

  15. You are seriously my style icon!! Fabulous!!!!
