Saturday, July 26, 2014

WHAT? TIKI in Paris???

In my post last posts we were in Normandy...

But we originally only planned a trip in Paris.

We were there for the openning of a special exhibit....

TIKI POP: America dreams about his polynesian heaven....

When we heard about this exhibit a few months ago, 

we could not believe that a national museum like the Quai Branly one can program such an accurate expo...

Sorry for these quite dark bad pictures but flash was not allowed inside.

They recreated a tiki lounge...

What a pity that it was not possible to order one of those crazy hawaiian cocktails!

It was a fake bar.... :-(

 The book about the expo was really great.

That was a really interesting exhibit...

that explained how people started to dream about the far away islands...

from Robinson Crusoe to the pictures that G.I. brought back after the WWII.

It was really well documented and presented.

But I must tell you that we wanted more after finishing our visit!

It was not small but we would have loved to see much more items!

There are a lot of paper documentation: pictures, menus, plans, magazines, books...

We would have loved to see more kitchy hawaiiana from the 50's,

more vintage shirts, more hula lamps, dishes, fashion accessories.... 

We visited an hawaiiana exhibit in Honolulu in 2008...

and I still have it in my mind!

But this one is worth to be visited, you have still until the end of september to not miss it!!!!

During our parisian week-end....

we also went to St Ouen flea market!

I must present you one of my favorite shop there: Falbalas!

It's so well decorated with so much vintage treasures!!!

The couple who are running this business is also so kind and real fashion historians!

I bought that time that beautiful 40's beret above...

Last time I found a 40's wool dress brown and turquoise and a 40's pink rayon summer suit...

Rare finds at affordable prices!

One more time the weather was so perfect...

Even a bit too hot!

I don't think I would be happy to live my everyday life in Paris...

definitively too crowdy and stressfull, 
but for just a few days, it's like heaven on earth!

Have you heard about this TIKI POP exhibit in Paris?
What is your favorite vintage shop in your area?

La Normandie n'éatit qu'une petite cerise de plus sur le gâteau, nous avions au début seulement planifié une petite escapade parisienne... avec un but bien précis, nous rendre à l'ouverture de l'expo TIKI POP au musée du quai Branly! Nous avons été bien étonnés de voir ce type d'expo très pointue programmée dans un musée national, mais nous n'avons pas été déçus. Tout y est très bien présenté et documenté, de la naissance de cette attrait pour le paradis polynésien à son déclin dans les années 60. L'expo n'est pas petite, mais on en aurait aimé encore un peu plus notamment plus d'objets/vêtements bien kitch des 50's. Il vous reste jusque fin septembre pour ne pas manquer ça!
Nous avons également pris une après-midi pour flâner en ville et visiter les puces de St Ouen... je ne vivrais vraiment pas à Paris au quotidien, trop de monde, trop de stress...mais pour un petit week-end ensoleillé, c'est comme le paradis sur terre!
Avez-vous ou allez-vous visiter l'expo TIKI?
- Bonnes Vacances à tous -


  1. What a fun exhibit. I only wish we could see it here. And the store in Paris looks amazing. I would never want to live in a very big city, but they do have much in the way of shopping and museums to offer.
    I love the fact that you and your husband both look like you could blend in with the Tiki exhibits and with the manakins at the flea market. That shade of blue in the flowers looks so good on you as well.

  2. Dear Laurence and Sylvain,
    What an interesting post. I've never seen an exhibit like that in SoCal. It brings back memories of an anniversary party I planned for my husband. Lots of cute Hawaiian/tiki décor and everyone dressing up in grass skirts and hats! I served a lot of Blue Hawaiian drinks that night! Thanks for sharing.
    Hands down my favorite vintage shop in SoCal is Elsewhere Vintage in the city of Orange. There is also a men's shop (owned by the same couple) called Joy Ride a few doors down. I know from a previous post a few years back you visited the Orange Circle with some friends. I wasn't sure if you were able to visit the stores. If not, ,maybe on your next trip to the states. You will not be disappointed. They carry a lot of different era's and the $$ are very reasonable. The shop's owner Rob and Christine are incredibly nice.
    XOXO LisaO

  3. It seems to be a great trip! I love your both outfits.

  4. Dear Laurence,

    what a great excibition! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures!
    Too bad that Paris is a 6 hour drive away (I'm from Freiburg) :(

    Have a nice day!


  5. Thank you for sharing!! I love your two outfits! It was dark inside but you took some gorgeous pictures and showed off your dress :)

  6. a tiki exhibition. the pictures look so wonderful ... i'd love to go there and see it myself!

  7. Yes, I know tiki oasis, but as it's in august we never been there as we are in California every year in April for Viva Las Vegas. But must be a nice event!

  8. so much nice tiki stuff.... thank you for sharing! and I love your seahorse brooch xxx

  9. Omg so many great events, and you look absolutely stunning in every outfit! I really wish there were more events and exhibitions around here in The Netherlands..

  10. I love the dresses you are wearing on the pictures! I have a soft spot for Tiki style things too, currently I'm planning to make a 50s style dress from a Hawaiian fabric as long as summer is still here.

  11. Greetings dear, I've sent you an e-mail at your Yahoo address with an apology for the ferry incident. I hope you have received it. Wishing you a lovely weekend. sincerely, Sanne

  12. Ohh! La prochaine fois que je vais à Paris je dois absolument visiter ce magasin!
    En avez-vous profité pour aller voir l'éxpo années 50 à Galliera? Il y avait de magnifiques robes (par contre rien au niveau mode homme)

    C'est un plaisir de suivre votre blog!
