Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I hate FRAYING!!!!

Here are a few pictures from 2 weeks ago...

Yes, I know, I'm not really efficient recently...

We went to a large flea market in Germany where we found a lot of nice stuff.

Here is what we wore on that day...

After summer in April, it was fall in May...

Sylvain even wore a winter jacket...

I chose to wear several layers,

to be ready for all kind of weathers.

I found this gorgeous 40's coat in a thrift shop years ago.

Excellent condition for ... 2 euros!

What a bargain!!!

I love those early plastic brooches, so delicate!

My hubby took his chance to wear his new 50's car coat.

Another great deal....

found in last Viva Las Vegas for ... 10 bucks!

Nice flecked wool with a front belt...

Probably his best deal from our last US trip!

So let's speak about me...

This 40's dress is a recent find from Etsy.

Quite cheap for this kind of dresses, 

it was supposed to be in excellent condition.

I immediatly fell in love with this amazing fabric....

the colors are so sweet!

No stains, no fading... but fraying that was not mentionned...

I HATE fraying...

probably the biggest problem on vintage clothing.

A lot of people say that clothes from that era were really sturdy that's why they are still there...

I must tell that I'm not really agree with that.

Only clothes that were not wash or wash once or twice survived...

Most of seams were not "finished"...

I think that zigzag seams existed 
because I saw some on swimsuit for example...

but don't know why never used on dresses even on fabrics like nylon, gabardine or crepe that are really likely to fray!!!!

That's why I'm always fearing to wash my vintage clothes, they can fall appart only after a simple hand wash....

Fortunalty I was able to repair that dress and it was not so visible....

but how many time this beauty will be still wearable????

Do you also deal with the fraying problem?
Why did they left delicate fabrics with no zigzag seams?

Voici quelques clichés datant d'une quinzaine de jours... et oui, je ne suis pas très efficace sur ce blog ces derniers temps! Une journée au temps un peu capricieux, mais pleines de belles trouvailles lors d'un grand marché aux puces en Allemagne! 
Sylvain a étrenné une nouvelle veste 50's trouvée pour seulement 10 dollars lors du derniers Viva Las Vegas et moi une nouvelle robe 40's chinée sur Etsy. Je suis immédiatement tombée amoureuse de ce tissu romantique, mais cette robe souffre de la maladie du vintage: l'effilochage!
Beaucoup de gens disent "Ah! Les vêtement d’antan été qu'en même bien plus solides! C'est pourquoi ils sont encore là!!!". Je suis loin d'être d'accord, la structure des vêtements anciens est souvent très fragile car les coutures n'étaient jamais ou presque jamais arrêtées par un zigzag! Seuls les vêtements pas ou peu lavés on survécu! J'ai toujours très peur de laver mes habits car en un seul lavage, ils peuvent totalement se désagréger!
Bref, j'ai su redonner une seconde vie à cette beauté après quelques repartions, mais combien de fois pourra-t-elle encore être portée?
- Bon long week-end à tous! -


  1. Love both of your ensembles! That coat is the BEST. And the heart cut outs on your shoes!! I really need a spring weight swing coat, I haven't been able to find anything vintage that I like so I may need to sew something. You both look superb!

  2. Wow deux euros le manteau ; et splendide en plus ! j'adore !


  3. It is always amazing to see your findings to the flea markets, and see how you match accessories.

    Well, to answer your question on sewing, I think there is more than one answer to ponder:
    1 the machine zig zag housewife most widespread was the singer in '52, although the Pfaff made his first model in a zigzag '32, but I think less widespread.
    2 yes, is true, often on light fabric is not made the zig zag, however, until the '60s, the seamstresses, it was the usual sorfilo hand, we speak of the cotton thread, and it's probably easier than with time and washes, this thread has been lost.
    3 must also think that the zig zag machine, consumption more wire, that the sorfilo hand.

    But I will try more news about it.


  4. What a beautiful dress, a shame it is so delicat. I hope your repairs helped and that it may life a little longer now.
    As Debora already mentioned, Zig-Zag-machines weren't that common, though known, even overlock-seams are possible since the early 20th century, but not for the home sewing woman. I have owned Sewing-machines that were as joung as mid-50ies and they could only do straight stitching.
    On the other hand, for the most dresses it seemed to be enough to cut the seam allowances with pinking shears, I have to admit even today I am oftentimes too lazy to serge the seam allowances (maybe because my Standard Sewing machine has no Zig-Zag-Stitch and I am too lazy to switch :-) ). And if they tried to stop the edges from fraying, they really did it with hand-stitching, I only rarely see Vintage dresses with Zig-Zag-seams.
    love. ette

  5. You can cast/sew over all the seams by hand to stop the fraying, and be sure you can wash it by hand. And yes, it is strange they don't zigzagged the seams back then, we wish they had. I love your pink shoes, are they new or vintage? Sylvain's jacket are really nice, you two are such a nice couple. Have nice day. :)

    1. These shoes are from my favorite brand MIS L FIRE!
      Here they are: http://shop.misslfire.co.uk/shoes/product/Heartbreaker%20Lilac

  6. Oh wow! Where in Germany have you been?
    Greetings from Hamburg

    1. It was near Sarrebruck, we live near Luxembourg.

  7. I haven't noticed my clothes fraying with a gentle handwash, but I certainly don't wash things every time I wear them. It must be so annoying when things fray badly!

    That navy coat of yours is a beaut.

  8. 2 Euros for the coat?! Thats amazing! Gosh, what I would do for a bargain like that!

  9. Many home made clothes had the seams finished by folding over and sewing - but this took a lot of thread and was an expense. Mostly the seams were just left. My grandmother's treadle singer machine had no zigzag and the pinking shears were not often bought because of expense.

  10. What a wonderful outfit! Those shoes! The hat! The purse! The cardi!!!! I'm totally in love!
    I also love the 10 bucks jacket on you man!

    ...Thank you so much for your comment on my blogpost about Blogworld vs Intagram. You totally nailed it! My words ... I really fear loosing the bloggosphere but Instagram makes it so much easier and you feel much more appreciated for your postings. Sometimes I really don't know why I post on my blog anymore, if you just find two comments days later.
    But I have to say, I have myself less time to visit blogs and I suppose we are all a little tired about writing comments like 'oh you look amazing...' even if we still think it is wonderfully beautiful.
    Blogger should probably think of adding a regular like button to the posts or something like that, a fast and easy tool ... otherwise blogworld will surely be dead in a few years. Sniff.

  11. 2€ for the coat?! AHHHH, I missed that the first time ... you nailed it again!

  12. Wow both your costs are great and such bargains!! Was Sylvain's purchased at the car show?

  13. Those are some seriously great coat bargains, wow! You both look so great! I really like that charming plastic brooch, too. They're so sweet, kitschy and fun, I agree. I hope that the weather perks up quickly for you guys. Summer is short enough as is, one doesn't need chilly weather and rain cutting into even one day of it!

    Big hugs & many thanks for your wonderfully nice comment on my vintage outfit post today,
    ♥ Jessica

  14. quel plaisir visuel vos tenues! dommage pour l'effilochage, si non la robe est vraiment superbe avec ces chaussures - bleu et rose sont magique ensemble je trouve :)
