Thursday, May 22, 2014

Life in BLUE....

Here is a heavy post... I cannot choose between all those nice pictures...

There are some days when you really like how an outfit turns.

First, I had the pleasure to wear this dress for the very first time!!!

I found it in a vintage shop in Portland.

Despite I like blue, I don't have so much blue clothes...

Some people asked me how am I creating my outfits.

So here, I wanted absolutly to wear this new 50's dress on that nice day.

Wrap dresses are always so comfortable when it's hot outside.

After that I picked up this 40's navy sweater to match it.

Even if I was first planning to wear red accessories, I decided to change my mind...

I chose to wear one of my favorite jewels set: yellow flowers!

It matched perfectly the sweater embroderies!

This purse from the 50's matched the white/blue of the dress and the yellow/gold of my jewels!

This handbag is from MIDAS, I have just found another one cannot wait to show it to you!

So after the purse, I needed a matching hat...

I found this one a few months ago for just a few euros in a local flea market.

I love the delicate veil on it.

I was thinking to wear white wedgies with this outfit...

but I discovered these Rockets Original shoes in my closet (that I almost forgot about...)!

Navy blue sunglasses and here is one of my favorite outfits from few last weeks!!!

For once you will have a few pictures of us together!


We were out on that day for a vintage cars meeting with friends.

So Sylvain drove his '58 Continental...

and I was with my '54 Bel-Air.

My husband drive a lot his vintage cars but not me...

perhaps owning 4 vintage cars is perhaps a bit too much!

I like my CHEVY but I also like to be driven...

It's not like a modern car, you need to be fully awake to drive safetly... 

you must break early, it's bigger, you must always turn a bit the steering wheel... it's quite tiring even if my car have alredy power steering and power breakes.

So here is my teenager husband...

This is not an usual outfit for him!

Vintage style jeans...

 and what?????

NO TIE!!!! Can you believe it?

I think this style suits him also really well, isn't it?

That was such a nice journey... 
we came back home with some sunburns!

How do you build your outfits ?
Have you ever drive a 50's cars ?

Petite journée entre amis histoire de sortir nos vieilles mécaniques de leur sommeil hivernal! J'ai pris un grand plaisir à construire ma tenue, j'aime beaucoup associer les couleurs. Porter une robe qui dors avec ses étiquettes depuis 60ans, c'est un grand honneur!!!
Pour une fois, nous sommes sortis à 2 voitures...Sylvain roule beaucoup ses voitures anciennes, je ne peux pas en dire autant... avec quatres 50's, il faut faire des choix et j'aime aussi beaucoup me faire ballader... conduire une anciennes n'a rien avoir avec une ancienne, il faut être concentrée, prévoir les freinages, gérer la taille hors normes de ces véhicules, tourner sans arrêt le volant pour garder le cap... bref un peu fatiguant, mais aussi si dépaysant. Avez-vous déjà conduit une ancienne?
Vous n'aurez pas manquer de remarquer la tenue inhabituelle de Sylvain... Et vous, comment choisissez vous vos tenues?


  1. You both look so lovely!
    And no, you never have enough vintage, not even when it are cars. My dad has also 3 vehicles from WW2 and I would love if he would buy a other one.

    xoxo Emma

  2. You two are just such a cute couple. I can quite imagine a nice coffee table book on your journeys and your outfits. Just lovely! I felt like I was getting a peak into your photo album. Your automobiles are grand and I'd love to just take a drive in something like this one day:) Doesn't it just amaze you on some of these dresses with the tags still attached? I have a Lilli Ann dress with a tag still on the sleeve that I don't know if I should ever remove lol. I love this wrap dress you wear and hope that we see you in it again soon. Such fun photographs. You both look very grand and lovely!

  3. Love the cars! We own a car restoration shop in Texas. We restore Mustangs. Your car needs a borgeson steering box. It makes steering so much easier. You probably need the brakes conversion kit too. My husband is restoring a 56 ford ranch wagon for me and is installing a new steering box and new upgraded brakes. Love your blog, recently discovered it :)

  4. You can always offer me one of your cars! LOL
    Nice oufits!

  5. I want to go for a Ride!! I'm so jealous you have 4 vintage cars. Laurence, I love the jewelry you chose for your outfit. Yellow and blue seem to be colors I've been gravitating towards lately. I'm trying to build my spring wardrobe around my woven or straw hats. I've been fortunate to find a variety of colors, pastel pink, yellow, white, moss green and just yesterday I found (another) navy blue w/ flowers. So all jewelry, cloths, shoes, purses, and hair accessories have revolved around my spring hats. Sylvain looks great, every detail nicely put together. XOXO LisaO

  6. P.S. I love the pictures of you taken together. It's like a lovely vintage post
    card from Paris!

  7. You two look fab! Love the blue dress with all the accessories and your other half looks rather dapper in *gosh* no tie! :)

  8. I think Sylvain's casual look is great! I love the way you guys both mix-and-match pieces, layering texture, color, and pattern. Fashion icons, the pair of you!

  9. BOn il faut l'avouer, Sylvain est fantastique sur ces clichés !!! Et le bleu vous sied à ravir Laurence !!! Malheureusement je n'ai jamais eu l'opportunité de conduire une voiture plus vieille que 1978... Quand à mon choix de tenue, il est souvent lié à mon humeur du petit matin .... et bien des fois je suis déçue en ouvrant les volets car le temps n'est pas toujours notre allié... Bonne journée

  10. There are so many things I want to say after reading this post. Firstly, yes, I have driven 50's cars and they are both amazing in the way they feel and terribly hard to drive. had a duck egg blue 1950 FX Holden( Australian car) and loved it too bits. Your dress looks beautiful , it always feel so special to take a dress on it's maiden voyage and all of your accessories match so well!
    When it comes to co-ordinating outfits I'm guilty of buying a hat or a scarf and having nothing to go with it and having to plan around it. But I try to start with a dress or skirt...try.
    Your wonderfully dressed husband looks so different without his shirt and tie- it was one of the first things I noticed when I read the post. xx Shauna

  11. J'adore, vous êtes superbes, comme d'hab !
    Mention spéciale pour ton cardigan, que je trouve magnifique (et je suis un peu jalouse), et pour le sweater de Sylvain qui est à tomber par terre ! Mais où trouvez-vous tout ça ???

  12. You can never own too many vintage cars. You look so lovely and Sylvain is a (teenage-)dish. Wishing you both a nice weekend.

  13. These pictures are so beautiful! As a 50s car obsessive, I am in awe of your beautiful cars. They do take more work to drive, but I kind of enjoy that and have driven them for so long I prefer them - I really can't get on with modern ones at all! Ha ha. Your chevy is stunning. And well, I don't know where to begin with your outfits - wonderful! I know I've said it before, but your accessorising skills are the best. I am still hoping that one day I may also have a husband that is as crazy about it all too! I hope you have a great weekend x

  14. I love your whole outfit! A really lovely color for you. Blue is one of my favorite colors. :)

    Emily's Vintage Visions

  15. Gorgeous color and fabulous dress. I think it's nice to see your husband in a more casual look, too.
    Most of my outfits have to do with my mood. And accessories, a hat, shoes, or a dress can spark inspiration and satisfy my mood's fancy, then I will build it accordingly from there.
    My dad has a '51 Ford he has fully restored himself, and they are a lot more work, but way more fun. He has three other newer show cars, but the '51 is his pride and joy and I know if he had the money and time he would have many more cars. You never have too many classic cars.

  16. First I liked how you showed us how you put your outfit together. Secondly, you guys are so cool!

  17. your man looks great without a tie! i was really wondering, why he looks so different in this beautiful collection of photos. yes, it was the 'missing' tie.
    you both did a great job in wearing blue. you are the best dressed couple ever!

  18. Great photo's. And you both got a great style I love watching your photos, such a lovely couple!

  19. your hubby looks very sweet in this teen-style and your dress&hat combination is a dirct hit... love the veil too xxx

  20. Belle robe! J'adore les photos où vous êtes ensemble. :)

  21. Ce post est top !
    J'étais ravie de vous avoir rencontrer en "vrai", je viens de le rendre compte que je regardais souvent votre blog sans être abonnée ! Voilà mon excuse pour avoir louper certaines choses haha.
    Ça y est enfin je ne louperais rien !
    À bientôt !

