Thursday, May 15, 2014

LILY of the VALLEY day !!!

We will come back in Europe for this post.

These pictures were taken the first week-end of May.

1rst May is a day off in France so we could enjoy our first week-end back under the sun!

That was a flea market day, I found some great vintage jewellery but forgot to picture them!

We were in Belgium and made a short stop in Luxembourg for a small photo shoot.

Here is what I wore, all 50's!

In France, the 1rst of May is Lily of the valley day. I don't know if it's the same in others counstries....

So I created this brooch myself with vintage plastic flowers found in a previous flea market.

My husband chose a late 40's look.

A follower asked me how much vintage ties have Sylvain...

Probably more than 200 I think...

Moreover he sold a huge lot of 100 50's ties last year!!!

He really is a 40's tie addict.

I have already noticed that people stare more at me when I wear full skirt and huge hat...

I think at least 50 people asked me for a picture on that day!

Hubby wearing bright colors was also solicited a lot.

He was wearing his new Muffy's saddle shoes.

I have had this vintage 50's dress for a long time but this is the first time I wore it.

I don't know what to think about polka dots...

I like them but I think there are too much cheap repros using them! 

So even if this dress was an original from the 50's, I didn't feel like wearing it because it looked repro...
I'm crazy, aren't I?

So I finally decided to wear it, I chose matching accessories and really like this outfit!

Did you notice the lily of the valley on my hat?

Do you also give lily of the valley to the people you like on the 1rst of May?
What do you think about polka dots pattern?

New things on my blog, a small corner for french spoken people who cannot understand well english...

Bonjour à  tous les francophones qui suivent notre blog! Suite à des remarques de quelques lecteurs, j'ai décidé d'ajouter un petit plus dans notre belle langue pour ceux qui ne maîtrise pas la langue de Shakespeare...
Quelques photos de notre 1er week-end après notre retour des USA, le pont du 1er mai! Style 50's pour moi, 40's tardif pour Sylvain pour une journée de brocante en Belgique.
Boutonnière muguet faite maison avec des fleurs vintage.
Mon mari, véritable accro de la cravate, en possède à mon avis plus de 200, celle-ci est américaine des années 40!
Ce genre de tenues provoquent toujours beaucoup de réactions dans la rue, quasi 50 personnes nous ont demandé de poser pour des photos ce jour là!!!
Cette robe dormait depuis des années dans mes placards... je la trouvais trop "repro" alors que c'est une originale des années 50. L'usage des pois sur tout est n'importe quoi a fini par me donner un sentiment mitigé sur ce motif... dommage... Mais au final, bien accessoirisée, je me suis sentie à l'aise dans cette tenue! Et vous, vous en pensez quoi des motifs à pois?
- A très bientôt -


  1. I think that since you paired the polka dots with some very authentic accessories that it keeps the dress from looking repro. Personally, I love polka dots! :D

  2. Coucou! Où trouves-tu tes dates de brocante? Car apparemment, tu viens souvent chiner en Belgique :)

    1. Nous habitons à la frontière luxembourgeoise et il y a tous les mois une grande brocante à Arlon. Sinon, on ne manque pas de monter de temps en temps à Bruxelles!

  3. Laurence and Sylvain,
    Your ensemble's for the photo shoot are tastefully put together. Laurence I laughed when I read your comment about "too much cheap repros", you spoke how I feel. Polka Dots are one of my favorite prints and they've been repro'd to death by some of the venders. Leopard is another favorite of mine and that too has fallen victim. That's why your blog is so refreshing, we're looking at, an authentic 50's couple with real vintage cloths.
    My favorite thing about this post is the color. Pink and black are one of my favorite combos and Laurence you wear it so well. Please sell this outfit the next time you have a vintage sale, I will buy it. Especially the hat!! Sylvain, I love that you are not afraid to wear color. The red, white and blue is gorgeous. XOXO LisaO

  4. Tiens, j'ai exactement le même sentiment avec les pois. Bon, déjà au départ je n'ai jamais été fan, mais en plus les repros usent et abusent complètement du pois, au lieu d'utiliser des motifs amusants ou plus variés. En tout cas tu es très élégante dans cet ensemble, bonne idée le détournement du muguet pour en faire une broche!

  5. Absolutely wonderful outfits (both of you!) and once again you accessorise to perfection! I wish we had more nice holidays like this here in England, I love Lily of the valley x

  6. je me suis permise de mettre mon avis sur Facebook mais allez j'ose ici... Cette tenue est ravissante ! Pour ce qui est des pois j'ai exactement le même sentiment je pense que c'est surtout le tissu qui fait repro ou non, notamment ces robes "satinées" qui brillent même sans soleil et qui ne sont pas toujours du meilleur ton. Cette robe est très jolie sincèrement

  7. I can see why so many people would want to take your picture, I would too! I think we should have Lost In The 50s postcards:) I just love polka dots but I also get what you mean about the repo and polka dot syndrome. I have quite a bit of polka dot dresses in my wardrobe but I keep gravitating towards them...must stop:) This and black are my downfall:)

  8. Your outfit is truly stunning! I get what you're saying about polka dots. They seem so expected sometimes that I forget about them, but have a vintage 50s polka dot dress that I will have to wear now because your's looks so good in these photos, that is once I get back out of maternity clothes.
    And I was sharing some posts on your blog with my husband, who does not dress vintage but nice anyway, and he's become a huge fan of your husband's style and now want to invest in some pieces for himself!

  9. I think the two of you look wonderful as always! I'm loving that pink polka dot dress but more for the colour which I think suits you. Truly I think this is one of my favourite outfits you've worn.

  10. I feel the same way about polkadots, love them, but they are kind of abused. Thank you for the answer about Sylvains quantity of ties. I love your dress, so summery. :)

  11. I totally agree about polka dots - they are so cute, but seem to be the "go to" for cheap reproduction. I have only one or two polka dot items in my closet, and that is precisely because of that reason. It's rather unfortunate. Your dress is adorable, however! And that brooch you made yourself - oh my! :-D

    Veronica Vintage

  12. That brooch is marvelous and all the more so because you created it yourself. I love the sweet, cheerful colours and abundance of sunny spring weather in all of these shots - they symbolize how I'd like the whole season to be, both literally and from a mood standpoint.

    ♥ Jessica
