Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The CITY of ANGELS....

First, thanks for all your nice comments on my previous post!

Here are a few pictures from our stay in L.A. last march.

I don't know why but as last year we didn't take many pictures there.

Perhaps because we have been there many times already...

or because we only stayed there a few days...

or just because we were too busy...

seing friends...

and also busy with vintage shopping!

It's fun to shop in L.A. before Viva because you can meet a lot of people coming from far away just for this event.

but there are also many other vintage lovers looking for great bargains just like us!

We were lucky because we could go to Rose Bowl flea market,

but I must tell you that I was a bit dissapointed with it.

A lot of sellers, it's huge but we didn't find many things from the 40's-50's and it was EXPENSIVE!

Thanks to a friend we had the chance to visit his familly business: CHOPIT Kustom

We are not crazy fans of customs and hot rods but it was nice to see the quality of their work!

We also "enjoyed" the great greasy american food...

Sylvain LOVE burgers!!!!

Even if we know this city really well it's always fun to go back...

mainly because of our friends there...

some have just bought a new house,

they were kind enough to wait for us for their housewarming party!

More burgers for Sylvain...

some good music...

a bunch of vintage cars...

some old friends...

some new ones too...

all people were so well dressed!

Our friend even had a vintage sale in his garage!

We laughed so much!

They restored their house like in the 30's-40's...

stunning, isn't it?

Some of these pictures are from our friend Kyle...

because we had almost no one from this crazy evening!

As always we left L.A. so tired but with many great souvenirs in mind!!!!

Have you ever been to L.A. ?
Do you try to meet people who share
your passion when you travel ?

Tout d'abord merci pour vos gentils commentaires sur le précédent article! Alors voici enfin quelques clichés de notre séjour à Los Angeles... malheureusement, nous constatons que comme à chaque fois, nous ne prenons que peu de photos là-bas. Peut-être parce que nous connaissons bien l'endroit et aussi car les jours sont toujours trop courts pour faire tout ce que nous aurions envie! Entre shopping, amis et bonne bouffe à l'américaine, ce fût bien rempli et fatiguant...
Les dernières photos ont été prises lors de la pendaison de crémaillère de nos amis à Pomona qui avaient eu la gentillesse de nous attendre pour une petite fête bien sympathique!
Avez-vous déjà visiter L.A.? Aimez-vous aussi rencontrer des personnes qui partagent vos intérêts à l'autre bout du monde?


  1. I know what you mean - we didn't take as many photos this year either! Still it's nice to see lots of friends popping up in your party photos. :) That house looks amazing, and the photos with the cars in the driveway looks very film noir!

  2. What a fun stop for your trip. Wish I could've been there.

  3. How fun to see these wonderful pictures. I admire those of you who are able to give up enough hidden 40s and 50s treasures to make your house completely in this decor. I would love to have a home in mid-century modernest furniture. It even looks so modern today.

  4. OMG that house is AMAZING! And the way they redid it, it looks so accurate and spot on - it's like I'm getting transported back to the 1940s in LA! Loving the tiling in the kitchen and the armchairs :-) I love your green dress in the early pictures - it looks wonderful on you!

    <a href=">Veronica Vintage</a>

  5. wonderful house and wonderful friends ... the pictures looked like you guys had tons of fun!

  6. I've never been to LA myself, but it's in the top five cities I'd most like to visit in the US. What a shame that Rose Bowl flea market was a bit of a letdown for you guys. I've heard that prices there have gotten crazy high in recent years, especially since vintage really took off in popularity. Hopefully if you ever go again, you'll find more bargains.

    Love the outfits you're both wearing in all these photos. No one, absolutely no one, dresses more awesomely while on holiday than you guys!

    ♥ Jessica

  7. So much fun!! What a beautiful home!
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn
