All these pictures are from posts published last year,
just click on the picture to open the original post!
When you start a blog, you don't know how it will turn...
how much time you will need to make it stays alive...
find the motivation to keep going,
you sometimes feel that for just a few hundred views
and for a few comments it isn't worth the time you spent on it.
That's why it was one of the hardest year for the blog!
I felt quite fed up to feel guilty
if I hadn't post anything for a week.
That was the same feeling of guilt
if I had no time to picture one of my outfit...
I was not that happy to make a photo shoot
what Sylvain didn't understand.
For the first time, I took a few breaks during the year from this blog just to feel better.
For the first time I have pictures that I didn't share
(for example our nice trip in North Europe last summer)
We almost didn't take pictures at VLV in March...
I thought in june that our blog will simply die...
As a lot of bloggers my new Instagram account was remplacing the blog little by little...
less work, more interactions, more spontaneaous...
but as I'm someone who love details and precision...
I was quite sad to not share with you some details of my outfits
and Sylvain also missed taking pictures...
So in July we found a new motivation for the blog.
But I have changed my mind about it...
This blog is not my job,
I don't HAVE TO post every week or every outfit I can wear.
I must not feel guilty to post not as often that I used to be.
I want to make quality blog posts...
and not because I HAVE TO but because I WANT TO!

Even if last year I was quite absent,
I'm quite proud of what I have posted.
Quality instead of quantity!
But of course I have some regrets...
things I wanted to share
but didn't find motivation to finish the posts...
always that guilt that I'm trying hard to remove from my heart...
So even if I really don't know what this blog will become in the future...
I hope you still liked to read it with its up and down!
We have met so many nice people thru it around the world
that it will be sad to end it just like that!!!
So please continue to support
How was last year for you fellow bloggers?
How did you feel about our blog last year dear followers?
Et voilà, déjà 4 ans... quand j'ai commencé ce blog, j'étais absolument incapable de prévoir où cela allait nous mener... 4 ans plus tard, une routine presque malsaine s'était installée, un sentiment de culpabilité si je ne publiais rien sur le blog... ce même sentiment si je ne photographiais pas une de mes tenues... le constat était simple bloguer était devenu une charge et non plus un plaisir! Pour la première fois depuis 4 ans, j'ai pris quelques breaks, je n'ai pas posté certaines photos qui auraient pourtant mérité d'être partagées... j'ai oublié le blog pendant des semaines en essayant de gommer ce sentiment de culpabilité, j'ai même pensé en juin dernier que le blog était mort... et puis voilà un regain de motivation qui est venu sans prévenir... oui, ce serait dommage de mettre fin à une telle aventure!
Qualité plutôt que quantité, voici notre nouvelle devise! Ne pas se sentir coupables de moins publier, ce blog n'est pas notre job et cela doit rester un plaisir...
J'espère que vous avez tout de même pris plaisir à nous suivre l'année passée et malgré ces hauts et ces bas, nous sommes quand mêmes assez fiers du travail accompli!
Merci de continuer à nous soutenir, vous serez toujours les bienvenus dans notre petit coin perdu dans les années 50!!!
- A bientôt! -
Your blog should be first and foremost something that you enjoy doing! You do not owe random strangers on the internet anything. Taking blogging breaks is very healthy and not something to fee guilty about.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful post! It is sometimes the best thing to switch your perspective on a project to keep the motivation going. Before my current one, I used to have a different blog that I had doubts about and deleted and sometimes I wish I just switched perspective and kept going. I love your blog so much and can't wait to read more!
I'll always read your blog posts regardless of the frequency and even if I've already seen some of the photos on Instagram! I, too, have found it is easier to post on Instagram but it's fun to read about the outfits and locations on a blog post too! :)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your blogoversary! I still enjoy reading it, and hope still to be reading it in future!
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing wrong with taking a break or posting less frequently. I love the photography and all the details you show on the blog, even if commenting on instagram is easier. If you enjoy it, find a way to make it work for you! Congrats on 4 years!
ReplyDeleteHappy blog anniversary. I always enjoy reading it and love looking at your photos. I hope you enjoy keeping going!
ReplyDeleteSO many gorgeous outfits!! Congratulations and happy blog-iversary!! :) Keep up the amazing work - I always love reading your posts.
ReplyDeleteExcellently said! I think that for a lot of us who have been blogging for several years now in small niches such as vintage, the weight of just how much time and energy can be required to do so is starting to, or has already, hit us and we're trying to figure out a good way to move forward, especially if we want to keep blogging - as certainly many (myself included) do want to. It does take a staggering amount of time (and energy and sometimes resources though) and is, to me, the ultimate labour of love. I truly appreciate everything that you guys share with us, be it three times a week or three times a year (for example) and will always support anything you do, or don't do, on the blogging front. At the end of the day, you have to do what's right for your life and schedule and only you (two) know what that is.
ReplyDeleteHappiest blogging anniversary wishes! I've been with you since the beginning and will be here as long as you guys are.
♥ Jessica
Congrats on your blogging anniversary! Thanks for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your blog, even if I don't always comment. Sometimes I don't comment because I don't feel like I have anything original to say that others haven't already expressed. I don't think you should at all feel guilty when you take breaks. I am sure you are busy with work and enjoying your life, and it is a priviledge for us to peek into your life - not something you owe us, like someone above said. Happy Anniversary to your blog and I hope to see more posts in the future, even if not as often.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog! You have the most interesting selections of clothes of any of the vintage blogs I read. Both of you have a real flare for assembling your outfits. I always drop by to see what you are up to. So please don't stop! I understand writing a blog can feel like a job. Thank you for trying to find a way to continue it.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you still want to continue blogging, since I love your blog. And quality instead of a quantity is always the best. You should really blog because you want to, you don't owe your readers anything, so please stop feeling quilty. I adored seeing all these photos again. Sylvain is the perfect joker, really. He should contact DC for the next Batman movie. And I am very envious of your pink platform shoes. XOXO from you fan in Denmark. :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 4th blog birthday. So glad this popped up on the bloglovin recommended feed (when have they ever got it right before) as I can instantly tell I'm going to enjoy reading your blog for the years to come 😉
ReplyDeleteJoyeux Anniv!!!
ReplyDeleteVoilà, 4 anns déjà et je vous comprendre très bien.
Essayez d'oublier le sentiment de culpabilité, c'est pas bon pour vous (toi, pour ton mari et pour le blog). C'est mieux avoir qualité que quantité! Comme tu as bien dit, le blog dois être un plaisir et pas une obligation. J'adore tes posts même si je ne écris rien car les autres ont déjà tout dit. Continuez comme vous êtez. Eva
P.S.: j'ai visité le marche au pouces de Trèves (Messepark) le samedi 29/08/2015 mais pas trouvé grand chose. Je cherchais des vieux parapluis (il y avait 2 mais pas de mon gout), bon, la prochaine peut être...
J'adore les blogs, c'est des petits univers merveilleux. J'ai déménagé souvent, changé de pays... Mais mes petits blogs à lire le matin avec mon café, c'est quelque chose qui était toujours là. On s'attache à nos blogueuses préférées! Il ne faut pas te mettre la pression pour les articles, c'est une belle surprise quand il y en a un, ça fait ma journée. C'est parfait comme ça!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your blog post. I have been following a number of blogs for at least 7 years! And they too have expressed the same thoughts during a blog post especially vintage styled blogs, who as a result either changed course, less focus on outfits or who have left the scene all together to live life. It does feel these days, that there is a pressure to share everything with strangers online, there's also the pressure that bloggers feel they most show the perfect life, I know that when I blogged it felt the same way too, that I was underperforming when I compared myself with others. All I can say is you should do as you feel, this world is too short for you not to be happy. That said, I enjoy your posts and they make me smile.
ReplyDeleteI think you are the best vintage blog out there hands down, and deffinitely my favorite blog of all. you take great photos, write the most charming texts, and the format of your blog is just so RARE. I appreciate the absolute lack of 'marketing' on your blog, you have nothing to sell to us, no ads, no promos, no concours. one gets so tired of it on the web. oh please don't stop blogging. people do enjoy you very much, they just don't always write comments I think. your blog is very beautiful, I hope it will not die.