Thursday, December 4, 2014

New TV: TELEAVIA 1958 !!!

We have finally found the TV of our dreams!

Here it is!!!!

It's a french TV,

 TELEAVIA from 1957-1958.

Really Space Age with its spoutnick look!

Here is the original ad for that TV from the future!

For us, it was one of the most desirable one!

And the icing on the cake... it works!!!!

In fact it was restored with a new modern screen,

vintage TVs don't work anymore in France because they change transmission system a few years ago.

So it was really what we searched for!

We can watch old movies in DVD...

Yes, not all original but we wanted to be able to use it!

Even if all our interior is vintage...

We don't want to live in a museum...

We want to use all those things in our everyday life!

A lot of followers asked us too share more about our house...

yes, we are like everybody...

sharing snacks and drinks before dinner...

lazying in pajamas...

vintage of course...

(Sylvain found this vintage ATOMIC robe in a vintage shop in Berlin last summer)

watching a good movie on TV...

This one is "Les portes de la nuit" (The night gates),

From 1946 with Yves Montand...

the soundtrack was "Les feuilles mortes" (Autumn Leaves) ... 

that's a french song which spread after around the world in english!

If you have a chance to watch this movie take it! 
So sad but so beautiful!!!

Yeah, it is finally up!!!!

One of my favorite moment of the year is finally here.

Time to enjoy more inside activities...

and share good moments together!

Had you ever seen a TELEAVIA from 1958?
Do you have a vintage interior?

Ca y est, on l'a enfin trouvée!!!! La télé de nos rêves... Une TELEAVIA 1958! On possèdait déjà quelques modèles de TV 50's, mais depuis le passage à la TNT, plus rien ne fonctionne... alors lorsque nous avons eu l'opportunité d'acquérir ce modèle regarni par un écran neuf, il fallait saisir l'occasion! Vous me direz pas très période perfect tout cela... oui, mais après tout même si notre intérieur regorge d'ancien, on ne veut pas vivre dans un musée, on veut pouvoir utiliser les objets dans notre vie de tous les jours! Ainsi, on peut profiter de vieux films en DVD... ici, "Les portes de la Nuit" un film magnifique de 1946 dont la BO est restée plus célèbre que le film... "les feuilles mortes", un bon film, triste, mais tellement beau, à ne pas manquer! Bref, voilà une petite soirée classique... trainer en pyjamas, partageant l'apéro devant un bon film... Et voilà, nous sommes prêts à acceuillir Noël, l'arbre est décoré!
- J-20 -


  1. Ouah !!!! Quelle trouvaille. Vous avez eu raison de ne pas laisser passer cette occasion. Nous nous avons fait le choix de ne pas avoir de TV mais j'avoue que si j'en trouve une comme ça, je ne suis pas sûre de résister.

  2. You are SO lucky! I wish it was me, but my hubby would never allow such a thing into our home. And it works, sooo fabulous. And you too look fabulous in your lounge wear. I love both your pj and Sylvain's robe. And please do share more of your home and everyday life, I get so inspired.

  3. Love your vintage home and TV! It's provided some great inspiration! I moved into a flat with my boyfriend in the summer and we have managed to buy some midcentury furniture but we are still on the look out for the perfect atomic coffee table :)

  4. Je ne dirai qu'une chose : PARFAIT !
    La TV est à tomber raide (tu n'as pas vu ma tête quand je l'ai découverte sur facebook !), votre intérieur est un rêve éveillé pour tout chineur, et vos tenues, même casual, sont sensass ! Waw !

  5. That's such a cool find! And I love your loungewear. It looks really cozy.

  6. Woooow!!! I LOVE your house!! What a great find!! That tv is very cool! Love your outfits, love everything! Greetings from México!

  7. Superbe article comme d'habitude on ne s'en lasse pas.

  8. Wow, that is such a great find! It looks amazing!

  9. Oh what a lovely post! Your home is so beautiful and that tv is a wonderful find! I'm excited to see you both so soon! :D xxx

  10. Wonderful post!!! Some great memories here, thank you so much for sharing. Bonjour de Montreal, Canada! :)

  11. What an excellent find! Such a lovely TV! I can only dream of finding a working one. They used to be so beautiful, unlike the plain flat-screens today.

  12. Décidément je trouve vos posts de mieux en mieux! Quelle intérieur superbe! C'est vraiment génial de vous voir dans votre maison si extraordinaire, on croirait un vrai reportage ""tranche de vie" des années 50! J'adore!

  13. very inspiring post - especially with thinking about getting some more vintage furniture pieces for the new flat ... but it got quite hard to find things here in berlin that are in ok condition and fair priced ... that's the bad thing about berlin - you are able to find the things you like to own but you make just little money and you can't afford them. the times of cheap shopping in berlin are almost over. ...
    i've seen pictuers and ads of this amazing vintage tv ... but i have never seen one 'in person'. ;)

  14. wow - design heaven! love the poode too xxx

  15. My, my!
    This was my first ever introduction to THIS type of TV - and it's divine. More than that.. it's (what's the word).. picture-perfect.
    My familiy home is not a vintage-oriented one (my room, is). But, the one I will )one day, hopefully!) have will surely be.
    I'm more of a Art Deco sleek-look kind of person.
    But, this TV station looks like a rocket! Suck a fine representative of the Space Age era. I'm so happy for you guise!!!:D


  16. I first saw the Teleavia in a 50s book when I was 13 (quite a long time ago now) and I have been obsessed with them ever since! I am so in awe that you have one, happy you have found one and what a dream to have it working also. Your home is stunning, as I have told you before :) I hope you have lots of great movie nights xx P.S Sylvains' robe and your PJs are so fantastic!

  17. Moi aussi j'adore vos derniers post et celui ci tout particulièrement !
    Tres bien tissée du debut à la fin je suis contente que vous ayez pu trouver cette petite merveille et surtout que le branchement raccord soit actuel! La veine :)
    Je vous souhaite un très joyeux Noel à vous deux par la meme occasion !

  18. Oh my, your home is so beautiful! I love the atomic print curtains :)

  19. Dear Laurence and Sylvain,
    WOW!! What a great vintage piece. I've never seen a Teleavia before. It fits your home décor and lifestyle perfectly. I love this inside look of the two of you just lounging around. Even this simple occasion is both inspiring and entertaining. I'm stealing a few décor ideas. XOXO LIsaO

  20. Dear Laurence and Sylvain,
    Just wanted to add one more comment.... .
    I appreciated what you said about "using all your (vintage) things in your everyday life" and that you "don't live in a museum". WELL SAID!! Just because I buy pretty vintage things doesn't mean I want to store them in a glass cabinet or take them out only for special occasions. I want to use and enjoy them as much as possible. XOXO LisaO

  21. Aaaah! your house is every bit as fantastic as your outfits! Thank you for this little glimpse into your home. That television is just perfect.

  22. What can one say but super duper cool!!!
