Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vivo VENEZIA !!!

Sorry for this long time since my last post....

I was so busy!
Moreover I had to select so many pictures from our last trip to Venice.
I have decided to share them with you day by day to be able to present our every days outfits.
Venice is such a beautiful city so I don't think you will be bored!!!

We shared this trip with Sylvain's familly...
His parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary...
and invited their children to share this special moment with them!

And is there a place a most romantic than "Venezia"????
Early October is known to be one of the best time of the year to visit this special city.

But I must tell you that we expected a better weather...

It was about the same weather than at home but more than 1000km further South!

The first day was windy and wet :-(

Despite having studied closely weather on internet before departure, I understood fast that I didn't choose the perfect outfits to place in my suitcase!

But with this type of weather, no mosquitoes or nasty odors that you can find there in summer!

That was our first trip in Venice.

The first thing that Sylvain said was:

"It's trully like a real life Disneyland!!!"

So true!!!

A city dedicated to tourists...

Absolutly out of time!!!

To be continued...
Have you ever been to Venice ?
Do you want to know something special about this city ?



  1. I absolutely, positively, LOVE Venezia!!! My favorite city in Italy! Beautiful, romantic, dreamy.. and so very Disneyland!!! ;) We stayed at the Hotel Colombina, and it was perfect!
    Your pictures are as exquisite as always. :) They took me back to my adored Venezia! How wonderful to share such a special time with your in-laws in such a special place! Thank you for this lovely post!
    ~xoxo, CoriLynn

  2. Gosh! How lucky you two are! I've always wanted to go to Venice, I can't wait to see many more of your absolutely lovely photos!

    I adore your super fabulous casual look!


  3. I was to Venize once and have to go back, what a special place! and your jacket is great! xxx

  4. A lot of reader asked me if I can make a tutorial about my scarf turban, I must think to do one, it's so easy to do!!!

  5. Bonjour Laurence,
    merci pour ces superbes photos! vos looks sont toujours splendides!
    Justement je voulais vous demander si il était possible de faire quelques vidéos , des tutorials sur vos coiffures ou make up!
    merci encore pour toute cette magie des années 50's que vous transmettez avec votre mari Sylvain.
    bisous from japan!

  6. My word, what a marvelously exciting trip! Venice is one of those cities that just seems hum with an almost electric charm of history, romance, poetry, intrigue and beauty. You guys look like you were having such a blast and I really hope that you did. I'd love to follow in your footsteps and visit one day as well.

    ♥ Jessica

  7. Hooray, I always look forward to posts from you! Nothing more classic than trousers & a 49er. And that box purse! How does that open? I see hinges on the front? Incredible. As always.

    xo Sara

  8. Sara, this purse can be opened on the side and not on the top, it's quite roomy for this kind of box purses!
