Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Winter is quite strange where we live this year...

One of the warmer for almost 100 years!

But it's also a sad one, with rain, rain and rain...

So when we can enjoy a few sun rises we must go out!

I have to share with you a strange fact...

I saw my husband going out dressed like this a few weeks ago,

and I shout something like "OMG!!!!!!"

"That's crazy!!!! I have the same shirt!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This 40's pendleton have been one of my favorites for almost 10 years....

But I had never realized that Sylvain had the same one!

But not really the same...

Sylvain has a shirt for men, double flat pockets and right closure.

Mine has only one simple pocket and left closure as all women shirts!

When I look at labels mine must be a little older, probably for the 40's and Sylvain's one from the 50's.

So for once I asked him to be dressed like a pair...

Black and white shoes...

Dark pants...

I chose some bright assessories....

to give a more girly look to this boyish outfit.

I really love Pendleton shirts...

on men of course but also for women!

But I must tell you that the one I own is the only one I have ever seen since 15 years!

Perfect twins, aren't we????

Do you have some Pendeltons in your wardrobe ?
Do you have some vintage matching clothes with your man ?


  1. Great post! You're both so photogenic!

  2. I love Sylvain's Trousers... they're awesome!!!

  3. That is awesome! I love that plaid! I already knew that you two were a perfect match, but this proves it!

  4. The same shirt? Oh man, how cute is that?!

    xoxo Perlchen Noir

  5. great outfits! I love your headscarf and that little toucan brooch. Is it vintage or modern?

    1. Emma, it's a ERSTWILDER brooch from her new collection. You can buy it there: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Erstwilder-Terrence-Toucan-Brooch-FREE-Gift-/301092297214?pt=AU_FashionJewellery&hash=item461a7fd9fe#ht_1792wt_882

  6. This is so cute! Funnily enough, Aaron and I accidentally ended up matching in Plaid last Saturday! Not as identical as you two though! :)

  7. You look so cute all matched up like that!

  8. Wow! That is amazing! I can't believe you two have the same shirt! What are the chances of that? Not only seeing two of the same shirts, but having a man's and woman's version in the same household!

  9. Great outfits! You both look wonderful. I and my man have matching 50s vintage Kamehameha outfits.

  10. My word, don't you both look marvelous!!! You two are so perfectly coordinated, not only here when you match, but in all your outfits and photos. One can instantly sense what a deeply rooted mutual passion for the past you share and how important it is to your lives. I love that about you two!

    ♥ Jessica

  11. You are so cute together, Mr. and Mrs. Pendleton! :)

  12. You are the cutest. I'm so jealous. My guy wears vintage and I've never found anything matching. Although, I have sewn matching (from vintage patterns) outfits for me and my kids. I am inspired to see if he'll go for it! Just adorable!

    ~ Tam Francis ~

  13. this is fun ... the same shirt (almost). i love the twin look. you both look great as always ... and as always i love to go through your fun pictures!

    no i don't only one pendelton piece ... but i really tried to get me a pendelton piece when i was in the states but i wasn't possible to find an affordable one without mothholes!

  14. Hehehe, that's lovely! How funny that you'd both had the shirts all that time and hadn't realised.

  15. Oh you two, too perfect for words! You look like you're straight from a 40s Pendelton advertisement. Loving your bright accessories--- your head scarf is unexpected but so beautiful.
    I have several Pendelton pieces, I can't get enough! I even found a very nice Pendelton shirt at a thrift shop and bought it for my husband but it's too much of a deviation from his usual wardrobe (t-shirts and jeans) so it doesn't get much wear. I might just have to "borrow" it.

  16. You look amazing! I think you would love some of the vintage shirts in our collection :)
    Becky x
    Vintage Clothing UK

  17. I just found your blog, just now and omg, i'm dying! haha! Your clothes are so darn cute and just my taste! Where do you find your vintage clothes? I just purchased a boy scout, scout master shirt from the 60s to wear. I bought some addl vintage patches to put on it too. People will probably think i'm weird for wearing it but I don't care, I think its crazy cool :)
