Sunday, September 21, 2014

Vintage SCARVES....

I have many collections around vintage fashion but one of my favorites is my vintage scarves!

I'm wearing scarves a lot, most of the time tied on my head like turbans...

but I always feel sad to not be able to show all the beauty of these vintage treasures!

The only way to appreciate their designs is to not wear them...

just look at them like pieces of art!

Some could be even framed, they are like amazing paintings.

Most of the time, 40's-50's scarves have bright joyful colors.

I have pictured here a part of my collection.

Some are interesting because of their easy to match shades or design.

Floral patterns are a basic,

 but you can find so much different ones!

Look at this one inspired by the 4 seasons!

Some are really interesting because of their colors...

the more basics you have, the easier it will be to match them with your outfits!

But you can find also so much fun patterns!!!!

Animals, angels, perfumes, cow boys...

This is really a collection without an end!

Scarf doen't mean boring HERMES squares from your grandma!

What I love the most is silk scarves, but that's also the more fragile, 

so they can be sometimes difficult to find in good condition.

All started with that ballerinas scarf from the 50's...

when I found it in a thrift store in the USA years ago for a few bucks.

I really thought that it was like owning a Van Gogh!

Touristic scarves were really popular in the mid century,
but I must tell you that they are not my favorites.

A good thing about vintage scarves is that you find find them quite easily...

I found those in flea markets, thrift stores, antiques mall, vintage shoppes!
From a few cents to much more if you are looking for designers ones.

Here is my most precious one and best bargain ever!!!

40's scarf to celebrate freedom of France just after WWII found for ... 1 euro!!!

Do you collect vintage scarves?
How do you wear them? I need more ideas!!!

Je vous présente ici une partie de ma collection de vieux foulards... et oui, malgré son image un peu vieillotte du carré Hermès à mémère, le foulard peut être vraiment fun!!! On a un choix sans fin dans les couleurs et les motifs, pour ma part j'adore les porter en turbans. Mais je trouve parfois dommage que portés ainsi on ne puisse pas apprécier la beauté de leurs designs. De plus, ils ont un grand taux de survivance, on les trouve partout: marché aux puces, fripes, boutiques vintage... même si il faut se méfier pour être sûre de leur état, on peut trouver des merveilles pour quelques euros!!! Et vous, vous les portez comment ces œuvres d'art????
- Bonne soirée - 


  1. I love vintage scarfs! I really like putting one on my purse. :)

  2. Quelles pièces magnifiques!
    Comme vous je porte souvent mes foulards en turban,également autour de mon cou, et quelquefois noués à mon sac mais je suis également frustrée qu'on ne voit pas leurs motifs parfois si originaux...Quant à la qualité, il est vrai que la soie est si douce, et plus chaude, ce qui est appréciable dans nos régions frisquettes!

  3. I also have a rather large collection of scarves! They're just so easy to find and are usually a pretty fair price so I can't help but buy a lot of them! Unfortunately, I don't have as many adorable novelty print ones as you! Your collection is just stunning! I love the idea of framing them as art because the 1940s graphics are so intricate and beautiful! :-)

  4. Oh wow - you have some beautiful ones! My favourite ones are the ones with novelty prints, so I adore your ballerinas/perfume ones. I have so many, but of course am always on the hunt for more. I like to wear them like a shawl, because I find that's a great way to show off ones I have with the best patterns. And sometimes tied around my belt too. I just wish I had more space to store them all in a way I can see them all. You've inspired me to do a scarf post now too! x

  5. Oh, scarves, I cannot resist them either. And you have one with perfumes! I have collected perfume bottles since I was 5 or 6 years old, so I am very envious. Great collection, and do make a part 2, to show us more. Have a nice day. :)

  6. C'est drôle je préparais moi aussi un billet sur ma collection de foulards ! vais remettre à plus tard du coup ;-)

    Comme toi je les sors le plus souvent portés en turban...ou quand le temps se rafraîchit pour protéger ma gorge. Mais effectivement, pour bien apprécier leur beauté et la variété incroyable de leurs motifs et couleurs, il faudrait presque leur dédier des murs entiers et les admirer sous verre !!!
    En tous cas (je n'en doutais pas) tu as des pièces de folie...

  7. Lovely collection. Each one tells a colorful story. I Luv that you are now on Instagram. XOXO LisaO

  8. J'adore ces foulards ! Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de les collectionner, je trouve que c'est l'accessoire parfait pour finir une tenue !

  9. How do you get them to stay on your head? I always try to wear mine, but they slip off. Also, would you ever be willing to sell the scarf with the giraffes on it? Giraffes are my favorite animal. So much so that I have a tattoo of them on my side.

  10. I love vintage scarves too! I have a small collection; nothing as extensive as yours. Most of mine are silk. I'm not very creative with mine. I tie them around my neck when I'm wearing a simple sweater or t-shirt. Sometimes I tie them on my purse strap. My favorite look is a pair of jeans, white t-shirt with a vintage scarf tied around my neck and a vintage bracelet. As you can tell, I don't wear totally vintage. I love the way you look!
