Sunday, October 5, 2014

French CASTLE, vintage TOYS....

France is really well known for its castles...

But there are not so much medieval ones in the area where we live.

But one was restaured recently really close,

but we had never taken time to go to visit it.

It's called Malbrouck Castle dated back 1419.

It was not a fortified castle, just a "simple" house!

It is still in the middle of the country side...

the view is really beautiful like in the middle age!

That's a really beautiful buiding, very well restaured.

Perhaps too much...

The outside is really vintage looking but in perfect condition,

however inside there are some modern conveniences like elevetors.

It's a museum now they had to do this...

But I have a bit mixed feelings about that...

I think I would prefer a more original restauration.

There was a vintage toys exhibition there...

that's why we were motivated to visit it.

Small planes, cars, trains...

Teddy bears, vintage dolls...

That was really interesting, I LOVE vintage toys!

I chose a patriotic look for that visit!

Sylvain matched perfectly the yellow stones from our area!

I found this diamond vintage sweater for him on Ebay.

We were lucky to have someone to take pictures of us together!

I found this skirt in Berlin last August.

This kind of heavy coton skirts is easy to wear for mid season.

This greyhound brooch was also found in Berlin in a flea market.

HAve you ever noticed that finding navy blue jewellery is quite difficult?

It was another beautiful journey.

I love the sky on that picture above!!!!

We must plan more small visits like that, that's so fun!

Do you often visit castles?
Do you prefer an original restauration or with some modern touches?

Nous sommes dans la patrie des châteaux, mais au final, je suis forcée de constater qu'il y en a peu dans notre région. Toutefois, il y en a un qui a été complètement restauré il y a peu à 3 pas de la maison, mais nous n'avions jamais pris le temps de le visiter. Motivés par une expo de jouets anciens, nous nous y sommes finalement rendus! Nous y avons passé une bonne après-midi, mais je dois dire qu'au final, j'ai trouvé cela... comment dire.... trop restauré! J'aurais préféré une bâtisse un peu plus dans son jus.
Et vous, qu'en pensez vous? A trop vouloir trop restaurer, fait-on disparaître l'âme de nos vieux châteaux?
- A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures -


  1. I especially like the you-both-pictures and how Sylvain matches his area :) xxx

  2. Fantastic toys, where was the exhibition ? I could go to it

    1. Cette expo est au Château de Malbrouck. Mais je dois dire que ça ne vaut pas la peine de faire 200km pour la voir... quelques pièces intéressantes, mais également pas de choses de moindre intérêt.

    2. ok merci du renseignement, j'étais à Bruxelles ce matin au Collect-Hit, de nombreuses pièces rares étaient en vente et exposées, il y avait pas mal de mascottes de capot, Sylvain aurait for apprécié. Je me suis mis aux anciens jouets en tôle depuis quelques mois et c'est fantastique de pouvoir encore découvrir des petites merveilles en brocante ou en bourse, tiens avez vous déjà été en bretagne à Lizio ? il y a l'ecomusée des anciens métier, j'y suis passé fin août et s'était très intéressant

  3. You both look great! I love Sylvain's sweater! It's fantastic. And the toy exhibit sounds like it was great fun, thank you so much for sharing.

  4. I love castles. Last week we visited the ruins of a castle at Okehampton on the edge of Dartmoor. It was started by William The Conqueror in 1069. We had a small speaker to listen to the story of the castle and it was a lot of fun.

  5. What an elegant husband you have. He matches everything so perfectly. :) And your patriotic outfit is charming too. :)

  6. the caslte reminds me alittle bit on old walt disney castles ... maybe they did the job on remoddeling it a little bit too perfect.

    i love white, red and blue!!! one of my fav combinations.

    where did you got the skirt ... i'm really curious about the shops you went to here in berlin!!!

    1. We didn't have a lot of time in Berlin... we visited only 3 shoppes: Spitze, Mimi and Glancheck where I found this skirt! We really want to go back soon!!!

  7. I love the colors in your outfit so beautiful
    retro rover

  8. This place is amazing! I have a similar sweater myself! It's a favorite of mine.

