We took a small break off the blog in August due to a trip in Europe (pictures coming soon...)
This blog need so much time, it's good sometimes to rest a bit!
So here are a few pictures of the 3rd year of the blog... you can click on the tittles to find the original posts. I hope you will discover some that you missed!
So much work to maintain the blog alive, but I'm quite pride of last year result!
Casual style
L like Leopard?
Venice part 1
Venice part 2
Venice part 3
Venice part 4
Venice part 5
40's floral dress

Professional shooting
40's green winter coat
For men or women?

Pre-Xmas trip

Sunday at museums

Old and new

Pants for girls?

Frozen ballerina

50's church

West side story
Pink Cadillac

Pendelton Twins

First flea market

Vintages cars

Cherries on blue sweater
Sunday ride

Colorful outfits



Lilly of the Valley

Vintage scarves and separates

Life in Blue

Viva Las Vegas

Elsass Rock and Jive

Tourists from the Past

D-day in Paris

Vintage fishes necklace

Welcome in Normandy

I hope that I will find more inspiration for the next upcoming months. I want to thank my husband for his help on this blog. I think that if he was not there I will have stop it a long time ago... that's sometimes so hard to find motivation to make good pictures and write the posts after that!!! I'm always reading all your comments and messages, I really enjoy all of them even if most of the time I don't have time to answer to all of them.
I hope to be able to meet more of you in real life my dear followers, that's really the best part of this blog... meet people that share the same love for vintage!
Thanks again to follow us!!!
What was you favorite post from last year?
What do you want to see more?
Déjà 3 ans...difficile d'y croire, c'est parfois si dur de trouvé la motivation et l'inspiration de maintenir ce blog, cela demande tellement de temps et d'investissement! Je remercie mon mari de me soutenir dans cette grande aventure car si il n'avait pas été là, je l'aurais arrêté il y a belle lurette....
Au final, je suis assez fière du résultat pour l'année passée, ci-dessous quelques photos des posts des mois passés, cliquez sur les légendes et vous accèderez directement aux posts originaux!
Tous vos messages et commentaires me font toujours hyper plaisir, n'hésitez pas à commenter en français!